Four fics for the claim of Heroes: Claire Bennet/Peter Petrelli

Jan 21, 2007 10:47

Title: Impasse
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Claire Bennet/Peter Petrelli
Prompt: 001. Beginnings.
Word Count: ~1200
Rating: light R
Summary: It starts when they let Peter out.
Author's Notes: Written in November; now AU after 1.09 "Homecoming." Assumes Claire is 17 and Peter is 23ish.

Title: Legendary
Fandom: Heroes/Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover
Characters: Claire Bennet/Peter Petrelli, with appearances by the entire Torchwood team and the Tenth Doctor
Prompt: 025. Strangers.
Word Count: ~2400
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A person can be innocently walking down a street in any city, trying not to be super angry that her father completely lied to her about her entire life, and can just blink-- and then all of the sudden she's inside some creepy concrete building with a really weird-ass layout, being shot at.
Author's Notes: Spoilers through Torchwood 1.13, "End of Days"; new Doctor Who 2.13, "Doomsday,"; and Heroes 1.11, "Fallout." Takes place at some indeterminate time after all three of those episodes.

Title: Inscrutable
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Claire Bennet/Peter Petrelli, allusions to Simone Deveaux
Prompt: 042. Triangle.
Word Count: ~500
Rating: PG-13
Summary: I’ve helped to save the world, Peter, and I’ve graduated high school and damned if I’m going to be caught up in high school games.”
Author's Notes: Set sometime in the future and takes into account everything through "Fallout."

Title: Higher Now Than Ever Before
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Claire Bennet/Peter Petrelli, Matt Parkman, mentions of Mr. Bennet & the Haitian
Prompt: 094. Independence.
Word Count: ~3500
Rating:Summary: She still remembers the feeling of smothering, the way the artificial blue of the chlorinated water made it impossible to tell which way was up. Post-"Fallout" speculation
Author's Notes: Spoilers through 1.11 "Fallout"; thanks to nemesis_cry for the fabulous beta.

heroes: claire bennet/peter petrelli

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