Title: Children
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Tom Riddle/Ginny Weasley
Prompt: 028. Children.
Word Count: 540
Rating: G
Summary: My answer to all the Voldemort-looks-into-obtaining-an-heir stories.
Author's Notes: Not my usual style, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.
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Comments 5
I'm glad you commented on the girls -- you're the first person to do so. I imagine that's the kind of people Ginny hangs out with, being in the "popular circle", and I don't think she likes them all that much... Her first year has sculpted her into a very different person, no matter what front she puts up to conceal that.
All of your writings I have to read twice because you put so much into them. Again, it's amazing. I'll be impatiently waiting for more!
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