G.I. Joe/scarlett, snake-eyes, stormshadow

May 29, 2006 18:19

Title:First gifts
Characters:Snake-eyes, Scarlet, and Stormshadow
Prompt: 91-birthdays
Word Count:1485
Summary:Shana and Tommy have gifts for Snake's birthday
Author's Notes:AU set after the events of AE 11-13

Our preparations are almost done, dinner is served, the Gift's “warped” and ready. Its almost time, My hands tremble and makes the silk rustle. I see Tommy dressed in a shade of blue that could match snake's eyes. I'm still nervous, things are still so confusing.
“...We do not have to do this now, you can have more time...”
I look at him, the man who has been sharing Michale's bed for longer years than I had known.
“No, we agreed that he's our mutual concern...and for his sake.”
He is close to me now, his hands are warm, while mine are clammy.
“Shana, I suggested this not only for his sake.” He said softly. “I suggested this for us...”
He kisses my forehead, and then backs away.
“I'll go see the others off for the night...”
He leaves for a few moments, ushering out the few people like a mother hen. I find it a bit funny, though tonight is in much seriousness; or is it. I hear Pen say something about desert before their ushered out the door.
“...Desert will be chocolate body paint....his choice of who is the first bite.” He said as he returned.
I turn, he has a big grin on his face, though I can't tell if he's kidding or serious. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“Then again that could be dinner...”
I feel my face heating up, his hands touch me again, reminding me who this is for.

The main event came all too soon as tommy leads him in, blindfolded no less. A solemn grin to me tells me it is my part. I get the privilege of feeding him dinner, while Tommy sets up the bedroom. Snakes kept asking if he could take off the blindfold, I tell him no. Dinner seemed to go slowly, each morsel I give him savored. Tommy returns and takes my place, equal time for each of us. I retire to the bedroom, setting myself in the middle of the silk sheeted bed. I have to admit black silk goes well with green...and pale blue.

I hear Tommy's masculine laughter, Michel has made a humorous comment no doubt. It seems like an eternity before they come in. Michel asks something about cake. Tommy laughs again.
“No my love, it will be pie now, cake later...” He says. “Wait here...”
He approaches with a length of green silk and kneels behind me. I feel it drawn across my eyes.
“Don't fear.” Tommy whispered in my ear, reminding me of when I first met him as my enemy. “I'm letting him unwrap you first...”
I feel the bed dip in front of me, fear and desire washed over me in equal measure. From that point I was never sure who's hands were on me.

* * *

I was surprised to learn later that Tommy's hands never touched me that night, though we ended up spooned together in the center of the damp sheets. I was awakened by voices in the main room and slowly extracted myself to investigate. I slid on the blue silk, Tommy's robe would have to do.
“...Aunt Shanna.” came Pen's nearly whispered voice. “Coffee?”
I was surprised to find her up, though I had not heard her or the boys come in.
“A cup would be welcome, when did you get back.”
“about ten minuets ago...” she said, holding out a worn white mug. “Enough time to make coffee.”
I took the cup and sipped, Yow...mental note* Let Pen make the coffee from now on.
“She must like it.” Tomi said as he set a small plate of muffins on the counter. “For someone who doesn't drink coffee...”
“I know, I make good coffee.” she turned to me. “Do you want to talk, sans details?”
I was not too sure, there was still a lot to process. I looked into my cup.
“I'll take that as a “later”.” She said. “and you do not need to talk if you are uncomfortable.”
Ichiro sighed. “I think our dads will be up soon to?”
I looked back at the semi closed door, I heard nothing but snores.
“No.” I said. “I think they are too exhausted.”
Pen gave a small snicker, but was biting her tongue on commenting. Good girl.
“I think we should be in bed too...” Tomi said, reaching out for Pen's hand.
Ichi got up too, stretching. I watched them wander to their quarters, parting calmly at their doors. I have a lot to reflect on, and definitely things to wonder about.

It was a short time later that Tomas the elder came out, wearing a pair of Gi pants and a towel, freshly showered. He smiles, before looking at the still reliability fresh coffee. I poured him a mug, I could have sworn his hair stood on end at the first sip.
“...Thank you Shana.” He said, and looked at the mug. “you make this?”
“No, Pen did.” I said.
Pen padded out of her room appearing freshly showered.
“Speak of the demon...”
Pen gave me a grin as she went to the small altar with the statue of Kwan-yin and downed the small dram of plum wine before pouring a fresh one for the goddess.
“Did you three get the cake?” Tommy asked, taking another tentative sip.
“Yes, in the fridge.” She said. “I take it the official party is later today...” she moved to the cupboard and pulled down a mug that said “My other car is an Abrams M1 tank.” “...hum I think lemon zinger for this morning.”
“Where are the rest of the family...” I inquired. “I didn't hear anyone come in.”
“Sean had last watch....Kimi was out with Kyle...and the other two are still trying to look pretty” Pen said as she wandered toward the water cooler's hot water tap. “I'm helping the chaplain today, translating a Will out of Thabean scrip...”
I smiled, leave it to Pen to find some way to use her nonmilitary skills on base.

It was a few minutes later that Michale came out, his short hair damp from the shower. He pointed, I was next. I set my second mug of the day down and headed to the one amenity we all had agreed on would be in each room, a shower. It only took me a few minutes, and I was able to return to my mug. The small complex soon cleared out, save for Sean who stumbled in from watch. I headed to my office, where a mountain of paperwork awaited me.

We held the official party that night, more or less it was thrown by the rest of the team. Now I know why Tommy wanted to celebrate privately, too many people wanted to say happy birthday. I barely had time to steal a kiss from Michale before someone was there to bringing a gift and wishing him well. Some of them left quickly, knowing how private Michale was. Others like Shipwreck got booted out at the end of Pen's size nines.

We finally were left to gather around the large round table and have what was left of the cake. Pen had managed to save ten pieces just for the family alone. Their gifts were unique, they too had found something not sharp and pointy to give Michale. Pen's gift seemed to set the theme, hand blended massage oils, she probably intendeds them to be used by the three of us. The others seemed to have coordinated despite not knowing what the younger three did. I think Sean was the only one who broke the pattern, he had found a world war two K-bar in mint condition. I watched him light up at each of them, as they gave their gifts.

Once the cake was finished, one by one they wandered to their rooms. Pen lingered to aid us clean up, but she too wandered to her quarters. Tomi came out of his room and popped a large bowl of pop corn, and grabbed something from the fridge before knocking on Pen's door. Ichi soon did the same, save he snatched up the bottle of cold duck and the fiddle faddle box. A few moments later I heard the opening music of some anime show Pen must have put on to leave us in peace.
“...did you enjoy your gifts.” Tommy asked Michale.
Michale smirked, nodding an affirmative. “I enjoyed Them greatly...you two didn't...”
“Shush,” I said, putting a finger to his lips. “it was as much for us as you.”
“Yes, our gift...” Tommy purred, moving to lean his head on Michale's shoulder. “Happy birthday my beloved...”
I echoed him, leaning up to kiss him and then Tommy. We still have a long road, but On the birthday of the one man who I loved it was I who received the greatest gift....

g.i joe: scarlet o'hara/stormshadow/snak

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