Battlestar Galactica: Felix/Kara - 029 - Birth

May 27, 2006 15:28

Title - "Another Card Game"
Fandom - Battlestar Galactica
Characters - Kara Thrace/Felix Gaeta
Prompt - 029 Birth
Word count - 1252
Summary - Dualla offers some advice
Author's note - AU, set after Sacrifice. See previous bits here, and read in order as I am taking the story in the same order as the table.

Kara looked at the players as she shuffled the cards. Kat and Duck were eying each other like they wanted to fight as much as they wanted to play cards, while Dualla, Racetrack, and Gaeta debated the merits of Billy Keikeya. It was an annoying conversation but she was willing to go along with it. Helo had made a point of asking her to wait for him, that he needed a game. He was a friend and she knew he was under a lot of stress. The Cylon was due to give birth any day. Helo needed to relax with friends. Or at least with less hostile members of the crew.

She wished, for that reason, that Kat would take her nasty face, and nasty disposition, and go elsewhere for a game. She didn’t know how Gaeta, or Dualla, felt about Helo, but they were both able to be polite if they did have issues. Kat on the other hand would be a bitch purely to be a bitch. Which Helo didn’t need. Things were hard enough for him, having a freak baby with a Cylon. She hoped he would get there soon. Ironically he would have enjoyed the debate about Billy.

“He’s Gemonese,” Gaeta insisted. “ You’re lucky he even holds your hand. I’m frankly shocked and amazed that you two have kissed outside of marriage. You know how they can be.”

Kara nodded in agreement to that, as did everyone else. The Gemonese, unlike most of the colonies, tended to be pretty uptight about sex. Billy was amazingly open minded in comparison to some from that colony that she had met.

“I just don’t know what I want,” Dualla said. Oddly she looked directly at Kara before looking down at her drink.

Helo trotted into the room, looking excited and worried at the same time. “ Kara! Sharon is having the baby! I have to go help, but I know we’re going on patrol in sixteen hours and the Admiral said I could be off so Duck will have to fill in! I can’t stay to play!” He ran out the door before anyone could say anything.

“Damnit…. That means I have to get the Raptor prepped.” Duck pushed away from the table and stood up. “ I can’t play.”

“Figures Helo would figure out a way to get out of patrol,” he muttered.

“I wonder what he’s gonna do when the admiral spaces the freak,” Kat said, snickering. She noticed Kara glaring and pointedly glared back. Then a smile crossed her face. Kara recognized the look, Kat was going to be a bitch about something. Something other than Helo frakking the Cylon, which meant that it would somehow end up directed at her. She knew Kat’s type. Kat was every bitchy girl she knew in high school and the Academy.

“ Hey Gaeta,” Kat said, her voice rolling with sarcasm, “ Is it true what I heard? That you got kicked out of the Special Reaction Unit for being a coward?”

Gaeta rolled his eyes and smiled. He was pissed, Kara could tell that easily, but she could also tell that Kat wasn’t going to get the reaction she expected. Gaeta had been decidedly closemouthed to everyone about what had happened on Cloud Nine and his role. There were some rumors, some nastier and more detailed than Kat’s.

“ I heard,” he said in a snide conspiratorial whisper, “ That I got pregnant with the Special Reaction Unit Commander’s baby and had to resign in disgrace.” He nodded to Kara and Dualla and stood up. “ Unless we’re going to get more people in the next five minutes to play, I think I am going to turn in.”

He left the table, followed by Kat. It figures, Kara thought as she reshuffled the deck, I want a game and no one wants to play. It had been a week since the Cloud Nine incident and people were very… quiet for the most part. Happy that no one had been killed, but otherwise it had been quiet.

Which was odd, except that she knew that for whatever reason, Felix Gaeta was shutting down all discussion on the topic of his previous assignment. He hadn’t lied about being a disagreeable bastard when he wanted. At the same time, Admiral Adama had made sure to publicly praise them both for resolving the situation without bloodshed so it wasn’t as though people didn’t know that the situation had been dangerous.

Dualla’s eyes followed Kat until the other woman left the room. “ She has a problem with you,” she said softly.

“Who doesn’t these days? She’s just pissed that Biers did a fluff piece on me over the whole hostage thing. Come on, lets play a few hands.” She dealt out cards to the other woman.

“Starbuck… can I ask you something?” Dee said after a moment. She had that faintly weepy, serious look that signaled that she thought it was important.

“ Sure.” Dualla was a friend and it wasn’t likely to be anything serious. Advice about Billy most likely. They apparently had made up after their huge fight in the bar. Kara wondered how Lee felt about that, but hadn’t asked. It was only after the fact that it had been clear that Dualla had been the partner that Lee had been making assignations with, and since the stress of the hostage incident had thrown Dualla back to Billy, Lee had been decidedly closemouthed as well.

Dualla looked her in the eye. “ You know that Lt. Gaeta is well… not really attracted to women, right?” Dualla blushed as she spoke. “ I mean, I know you’re Caprican but sometimes people don’t always think like that.” It was obvious that Dualla was incredibly uncomfortable.

It was also pretty funny. “Dee… what do you think is going on?” It wasn’t any of Dualla’s business, but she was a friend and even though it was irritating, Kara knew she wasn’t just speaking out of concern for her feelings. Dualla was friends with Gaeta and no doubt was worried about him. “ Do you think I’m in love? With Gaeta? When I have been arguing the admiral every day to let me go back to Caprica and rescue the civilian survivors? Including Anders?”

“ I don’t know what to think,” Dualla said after a moment. “ But I know Felix, and he likes men. I know he’s been with women, and I don’t think I’m assuming wrong when I say that I know you two were over on the Cloud Nine on a date, but I don’t want you to kid yourself. I’ve seen it happen before.”

“ Are you worried about him or me?” Kara asked after a moment.

“ A little of both,” Dualla said. “Just be aware, ok? Whatever friendship you two have… it won’t go any farther than that so don’t be disappointed.” With that, she set down her cards and left the table.

Kara almost snickered as she reshuffled the deck. As if it wasn’t obvious that Gaeta liked men. She certainly wasn’t planning to pursue him. They were friends. She could admit that. Even good friends. Sure they had been over on the Cloud Nine having a sexual tryst but that wasn’t a crime. He wasn’t leading her on, and she certainly wasn’t leading him on.

But if Dualla had noticed then that explained why Kat had been needling Gaeta. Which meant it had to be dealt with.

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