Fic 8 of 100 # 97- Writer's Choice - Whose Line is it Anyway?- Greg Proops

May 16, 2006 19:00

Title: Carta di Lussuria
Fandom:Whose Line is it Anyway?
Characters: Greg Proops/Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie/Ryan Stiles
Prompt: 097. Writer's Choice
Word Count: 4416
Rating: R
Summary: A friendly little game of Texas Hold 'Em with the boys.

"Well, it looks like Ryan wins....again.", Greg Proops said yawning, taking a swig of his 5th beer.

"So, ya wanna play another hand?", Ryan said, breaking the bored silence that had fallen over the room.

Wayne glanced at the clock on his basement wall, and said, "We've been playing for, like, an hour."

"Yeah, Wayne's right. This is getting boring.", Colin Mochrie said from his seat next to Ryan.

"Oh, that's just because you suck." Ryan told him with a smile on his face. Colin stuck his tongue out at Ryan and left the younger man chuckling as he went to get another beer.

"How ‘bout a board game?"

"Sure Wayne, and then we can braid each other's hair and talk about boys." Wayne pouted and gave Greg a playful shove.

A slow smirk stretched across Greg's face, as Colin returned to his seat. "What if I said I knew a way to make this poker game a little more interesting."

"How?", Ryan said, throwing a casual arm over Colin's shoulders. Greg didn't reply, but instead silently dealt the cards and handed out chips.

"Well, boys the name of the game is strip poker."

Colin, who was mid-way through a sip of beer, almost choked.

"What!?", he gasped, coughing.

"Come on! What do ya say? Wayne?"

Wayne shook his head yes, for that was the only way he could answer between gales of laughter at Colin's reaction.

"Great! Ryan?"

Ryan thought for a moment and then gave Colin the once over before answering calmly, completely un-phased by such a radical game choice.

"Sounds good to me."

"All right! How about you, Colin?"

Colin looked over his three friends. Wayne, with almost child like anticipation, was grinning ear to ear, Greg had a sly smile on as he raised one eyebrow, and Ryan was looking into his eyes and smiling genuinely, his arm still around his shoulders.

"Well..." Colin drug the word out for dramatic effect, "I guess I'm in if you want me naked that badly Greg."

Greg gave Colin a sly smile.

"I will never, I repeat never, be willing to look at you naked, Mochrie! So don't flatter yourself." Greg nudged Colin sarcastically.

Colin shrugged and picked up the cards that Greg had dealt him. A pair of duces, Colin shook his head and tossed them down.


"Come on, Col! We can't get you out of those clothes if you don't play!" Ryan pulled Colin closer with the arm around his shoulder. Colin blushed and tried to disappear further into Ryan's side.

"Aw! How cute," Greg laughed, "he thinks he can disappear!"

Colin looked taken-aback, but still didn't remove himself from Ryan's side.

"Oh leave him alone," Ryan muttered under his breath, "and I fold too." He tossed his cards across the table so they flew onto Greg's cards, making them fall onto the ground.

"Guess that leaves you and me Wayne." Greg pushed a few chips into the pile and Wayne copied the movement.

Wayne ended up winning the hand, but that was most likely due to the fact that Greg had moved on to his sixth beer by now -not to mention the scotch on the table- and was so far past the point of being drunk that he probably couldn't even count to two.

"All right! What comes off, Waynie boy?" Greg slurred.

Wayne looked at Greg, as thought about what to make him take off. He was shocked at himself for how appealing he found the thought of Greg shirtless, smoking a cigarette to be, but he didn't let it show.

"Let's see that six-pack! Off with the shirt."

"Right-O, Capitaine!", Greg said, saluting Wayne and standing up. "This dance is for you, Mr.Stiles!"

The quick look of disapproval that flashed on Colin's face was barely noticeable, but it was definitely there. Greg slowly started un-buttoning his yellow, long shelved shirt while winking at Ryan. Wayne's eyes were fixed on the oddly attractive man removing an article of clothing at his request. Now, finishing up his little striptease, Greg tossed his shirt back at Wayne, who was grateful for the card table covering his lap.

"Now, boys try to control yourselves. I know it’ll be hard with this stud in the room, but please, Im married."

"Oh, shut up and deal Proops.", Colin threw at him.

It wasn't like Colin to be un-necessarily snarky, even if it was a joke, but Greg, by playing around with Ryan, had made him anxious to play the game. It was hard to ignore the interested glint in Ryan's eyes when Greg had been moving about and Colin, even though he didn't know why, wanted to show his best friend that he could be just as intriguing.

"It's up to you, buddy." Ryan said to Colin.

Colin looked at his cards and was very pleased. He wouldn't get show Ryan what he was made of, because his hand was quite bad, but he might get to see what Ryan was made of.

"All right, I'm in then."

Ryan followed in suit, tossing a couple chips into the pile in contrast to Colin's neat stacks in the centre of the table.

Wayne watched Greg moving in his chair, and found the continuous movements oddly erotic.

"Wayne!" Ryan knocked Wayne from his pondering.

"Oh, uh, yea. I fold." He tossed the cards away and closed his eyes.

"Just me and you then, Col." Ryan nudged his friend.

Colin didn't play Texas Hold'em a lot, unlike Ryan who played every weekend, but he figured he could hold his own just this once, for once Ryan was showing a few tells clearly. He watched as the 'river' was laid out on the table. He smiled smugly.

"Just a hight card this time around..." Ryan tossed his cards out, "Thought I could bluff."

Greg chuckled in the background.

"Well, me too," Colin said and Ryan looked hopeful for a second,"but I still beat your hand. Pair of sevens." He showed his cards.

"Damn. Thought I could still win for a second." Ryan said in a way that confirmed that he was getting to the point where he was completely plastered.

"No, not this time, off with your shirt, Mr Stiles!" Colin joked.

"Why, Colin, there is no need to be formal. I'll strip for you anyway." And Ryan began a small striptease, hovering over Colin, and Colin could feel his heartbeat quicken.

As Ryan tossed his tee-shirt to the floor Greg and Wayne were barking laughter, but Colin was having a difficult time controlling his breathing. Ryan sat and gave Colin a wink. As he finished off his beer a bead of condensation traveled down his long arm and over his naturally tan chest to pool in his navel.

Colin followed the bead of water with his eyes and had to force himself not to look any lower than where it stopped.

"I'd hate to admit it, but that was pretty good Stiles.", Greg said, leaning across the table.

"Ah, why thank you Greg, but I don't think I could hold a candle to you." Ryan said, leaning across to run a finger over Greg's chin.

Wayne and Colin watched this with twin expressions of horror and, even though neither would admit it, jealousy. They would rather stack the little act of admiration up to the booze. They stayed like that for a second more, and then Ryan went to the fridge and brought back another round.

After about 3 hands, Greg was sitting pretty in a pair of shockingly red, silk boxer-briefs, and Wayne was down to boxers and a white wife beater.
By this point they were all feeling the effects of the drinking, even Colin, who didn't drink to get drunk. Ryan was looking absolutely magnificent nothing but a pair of blue jeans. Colin wondered if that was really all he had on....

Colin, however, was in the same place as Greg. Only one thin layer separating him and complete nudity.

Ryan pulled closer to Colin and rested his head on his shoulder.

"This is fun", he slurred, grinning.

"Yeah. Mostly cause Im playing with you.", he slurred back, surprised at his honesty.

"Would you two kindly stop flirting and play the game!" Greg shouted, followed by maniac giggles from his very immediate left.

Ryan barely glanced at his cards.
"I fold!", he shouted back and returned his attention to Colin.

Colin looked at his cards, but didn't care if he had a good hand or not. All he cared about at the moment was his very attractive, and very bare chested, best friend leaning on his shoulder.

"Me too."

Greg let out a groan, but his pleased smile stayed put. He put the last community card on the table.


Wayne looked at his cards, then to the community cards, and back to his cards..

He smiled and fanned the cards out.

"Flush, Gregory!"

Greg barked out a laugh as he laid his cards out.

"Four kings, my friend. Now all though you look rather good in that little shirt I think you'd look even better without it."

Wayne ripped the shirt off about half way through Greg's drawling.

"How's that?", he cooed, leaning just inches from Greg's face.

Greg smiled and moved his hands to Wayne's waist, pulling the younger man onto his lap.

"Just fine." Greg's voice was rough.

Ryan felt, rather than heard, Colin chuckle against his side.

"And they talk about our flirting..." Colin sipped more of his beer. Greg shot Colin a sharp look as Wayne frowned and, much to Greg's disappointment, moved back to his seat.

Greg dealt out the cards again, but by now the cards were just a technicality. In reality, any one of them would take off what was left for the object of their desires, but it wasn't likely for them to admit that.

Wayne frowned at his cards and sighed deeply, but Colin, on the other hand, couldn’t help but smile. His hand was better than his usual 3 and 5, or Ace and 2, he looked back down at his cards. A King and a 10, he pushed more chips into the pile.

"I fold." Wayne said and tossed his cards at Greg, "You keep dealing me sucky hands, Greg!" He joked.
"Aw, it's not like I'm choosing them for you!" He said and pushed some chips in the pile.

"I'm in too." Ryan cut in and tossed a few chips in.

Colin watched his hand only get better as the flop, the turn, and the river were shown. He smiled as the last bets were put down, he had a feeling he won this one.

Greg muttered something about it being too quiet and walked over to the radio. He turned on an Alternative Rock station then returned to his seat.

"Okay, what ya got? I have a pair of Kings." Ryan looked over at Colin. Greg was out of this hand, Colin realized, he had folded sometime in the middle of the hand and they hadn't even noticed.

"Full house. Tens and Kings." Colin smiled and awaited his reward.

"Okay, pants off, I know." Ryan giggled as his hands went down to his belt.

"No," Ryan paused at Colin's protest, "Let me."

Ryan let his hands drop to his sides in a be-my-guest manner. Colin made it a point to draw the process out. He wanted every moment to last. Placing his hands on Ryan's thighs he dropped to his knees; This gained a cat-call from Greg and Wayne, but Colin was too focused on what he might be about to see to really register anything else.

Colin moved his hands to Ryan's belt and looked into his best friend's eyes. They were red-rimmed from the drinking, but they were still sharp, emerald green, windows into his soul. Those windows were now tinted with a mix of amusement and anticipation. Ryan smiled down at him with quite a seductive smile.

Colin slowly brought his hands to Ryan's belt buckle and blow a kiss to Ryan, who chuckled deep in his throat, the chuckle that made Colin shudder with desire, and threw his head back. He un-did the belt, and let it slip to the floor. Next he un-did the button with a flip of his thumb. His hand hovered at the zipper as he took a deep breath.

Down came the zipper to reveal, much to Colin's dismay, a pair of heart patterned boxers. Colin pulled Ryan's pants down as far as he could with him sitting, and took his seat again. Ryan rolled his eyes and stood up to the rest of the work. Colin had to hide a gasp when Ryan's boxers slipped a little, revealing a slender hip bone.

"These chairs are cold!", Ryan complained, shivering.

"I could warm you up." Colin said the thought aloud, without even thinking.

No one seemed to care about the obvious come-on, most likely because they were too drunk to notice. Ryan, however, noticed and cared quite a bit. He scooted his chair right next Colin's and rose his eyebrows challengingly. Colin slipped on arm over his shoulders and the other over his stomach, in a sort of sideways hug.

"Much better.", Ryan purred as Colin traced his fingers over the back of Ryan's neck. He shivered a little and leaned into the light touch. Colin moved his hand to Ryan's cheek, cupping it lightly.
"Mmmmm" Ryan purred.
Ryan slid his hands down Colin's body, settling them upon his hips.
"Sorry to interrupt the party boys, but we're in the middle of a game."
If looks could kill, Greg would have been a pile of dust. Ryan remained in contact with Colin but he was staring Greg down. Greg began to blush and Ryan relented, picking up the cards in front of him.
Colin's face saddened but he picked up the cards anyway. His hand stunk, and he was somewhat grateful. He wouldn't be completely naked for at least one more hand.
"Fold." His voice was low and rough, but no one noticed.
"Yea, me too." Wayne set his cards neatly on the table, next to Greg.
"Let's get this party started!" Greg got up and did an impromptu dance to the music in the background.
Five minutes passed and not much had happened. Neither Ryan nor Greg would back down. Ryan laid his cards upon the table, smiling the whole time.
"Straight Flush, beat that Proops!"
Greg groaned and tossed his cards down.
"Dammit! Okay...okay, I know. Clothes off."
"I don't know about clothe-s, I only see one piece of clothing on you, sir." Ryan smiled sardonically.
Greg looked down at his underwear and sighed deeply. He stood up and quickly slid them down.
"Happy now?"
"Very happy." Wayne inserted suggestively.
"Really? I think I could make you happier though." Greg purred.
Wayne slowly inched closer to Greg until their arms were interwoven around one another. Greg smiled as he leant over to kiss the younger man. Wayne moaned as their tongues made contact for the first time.
Across the table Ryan turned to face Colin, leaning close to him.
"Monkey see, monkey do?"
Colin tore his shocked gaze away from the make-out session, which now also included hands in places he dare not speak, across the table to look at Ryan. The dim light from the hanging lamp illuminated his old-time movie star features and mad his come hither stare even more alluring. Colin let his eyes wander to Ryan’s full, inviting lips. He always loved the feel of those lips during their many on-stage, and platonic off-stage, kisses.

Before Colin could answer Wayne abruptly stood. Greg knelt in front of him and pulled down his boxers. Ryan and Colin watched in a mix of surprise and voyeuristic interest as Greg placed his hands on either side of Wayne’s hips. Suddenly, Wayne pulled back.

“What are we doing?’, he asked, his voice shaky, but dripping with a wanting sort of passion.

“You can’t tell me you don’t know.”, Greg answered, still on his knees.

“That’s not what I meant. Should we really be doing this?”

This conversation was held as if Ryan and Colin were not in the room at all.

Greg stood now. He firmly, yet gently grasped Wayne’s chin and brought their lips together. The kiss was sloppy and, obviously, wet, but it was heartfelt. Their tongues could be seen darted in and out of each other’s mouths as their hands continued to roam; the contrast of Wayne’s dark skin against Greg’s almost pale white skin, was oddly exciting.

They pulled apart and Wayne took Greg’s hand and led him up the stairs. Shortly followed by the slam of a door and creak that was, more than likely, them hitting the bed. Colin found the thought of two of his friends, two of his naked male friends, entangled in a fit of sweat, passion, and limbs to be surprisingly arousing. Ryan, who notices everything even if Colin is just thinking it, of course caught on to this.

Ryan moved his hand to the tent in Colin’s thin boxers and slowly ran his long fingers over it and down the inside of his thigh.

“You never answered me.”, Ryan grumbled in a low, sultry, whisper.

Colin moaned at the hand sliding across his thighs. Ryan smiled, knowing the satisfaction he could be giving his friend at any moment, all he had to do was say the word.
"Mmmm... yes, Ry, yes." Colin closed his eyes and reveled in the feel of Ryan.

He felt hands cupping his face and lips claiming his own. Colin smiled against Ryan's lips, and wrapped his arms around his slender waist. Everything was happening very fast, but Colin didn't want to slow down. He wanted to throw Ryan against a wall; make love to him forever.

"Upstairs." Ryan had broken the kiss and was sensually massaging Colin's shoulders. Colin nodded and Ryan grabbed his hand, leading them upstairs to a guest room.

They walked down the hall quickly, hands touching any bit of skin they could find. They stopped at one of the guest rooms and Ryan pulled them in. Colin suddenly heard a loud moan from the next room ever. He smiled.

"Let's give 'em some competition, eh?" Colin joked and pushed Ryan against the nearest wall.

"Colin..." Ryan hit the wall with a thud, and let his hands wander towards Colin's ass, cupping it lovingly,"Yes, let's."

Colin stole another kiss from the younger man. They fit so perfectly together, Colin noted. Every curve filled; like a puzzle every piece in it's place. That's how Colin felt, in his place. Being next to Ryan like this, Colin knew there must be a heaven above them, because he was in one on earth right then and there.

After a few minutes Colin felt his body being moved towards the bed. He wasn't aware of his feet moving, only that he was being moved. He felt something beneath him suddenly, then something covering him.

A rush of awareness swarmed Colin; it was the bed he was on, and it was Ryan he was under. This realization sent a wave of electric pleasure through out his body. Ryan was now straddling Colin and his hands were on either side of his shoulders as he pulled out of their kiss to look down at him.


Ryan couldn’t help but laugh. Colin quickly caught on. This entire time they both still had on their boxers. Colin smiled as he reached up and tugged down Ryan’s shorts. Ryan stood and with Colin still lying on the bed, removed his as well. Ryan returned to his position, but Colin quickly reversed it. Colin brought his hand to Ryan’s already hard length and slowly stroked. The murmur of lust and pleasure that escaped his lips sent Colin to a place he never knew he could find.

He kept with the steady motion watching Ryan’s face as his sonorous moans grew louder and more desperate. Colin felt Ryan’s hand tighten on his neck and knew he was close. He picked up the pace, running his thumb over the head and then back down the shaft while still moving his hand rapidly.

“Colin!”, Ryan gasped.

Hearing his name screamed out in a passionate cry by his best friend, a man he loved, respected, and looked up to, was the most beautiful sound his ears have every heard. While Ryan was still reeling with the sensation Colin brought his lips to the taller man’s in a fierce kiss. The taste of Ryan’s tongue entwined with his own was intoxicating. Ryan’s hand found Colin’s erection and grasped it, but Colin stopped him. Without a word he walked to the adjoining bathroom and returned with a small container filled with some clear substance, which he tossed to Ryan. Ryan raised his eyebrows in silent question, but the animal like lust was still in his eyes.

Colin nodded. Something about seeing Ryan brought to ecstacy and knowing that he did that made it clear to him that this was right. This was supposed to be, and there was nothing to be scared of. This was Ryan. His Ryan.

The rest of the night was like a shower in the dark. The thought seems absurd and unheard off, but once in the habit, it becomes addicting. All your senses are heightened, every touch sends tingles over your body, it disorientates you while giving you a full sense of awareness at the same time. That was what his first night with Ryan was like.

The next morning Colin woke pleasantly. Despite his heavy drinking the night before he felt no signs of a hangover. He looked over at his still sleeping partner and smiled. Ryan was curled into Colin’s side, his arm across Colin’s chest. Last night the house was a buzz with pent up lust finally letting lose, not only from them, but from Wayne and Greg as well. Colin couldn’t wait to hear the breakfast table chat this morning. At that thought he chuckled out loud. Ryan stirred and opened his eyes, running a hair through his tousled hair.

“Hey...” and after a slight, adorably hesitant pause. “Hun.”

Colin leant down and kissed the younger man, reveling in the fact that last night actually happened. It was like coming home. A very sexy home.

"Morning, sweet thing." Colin smiled at his lover, "I'd love to stay here all day, but I think we should get up."

Ryan groaned and moved to sit up.

"Do we have to? My head hurts."

"That's what all that drinking will do to you."

"Well, without all that drinking we'd have never found," he paused, "this. Besides, don't you have a hangover too?"

Colin sighed, "Not really, no. I didn't drink quite as much as you, granted I did drink a whole hell of a lot."
Ryan nodded and got up out of the bed. Colin sat back and watched as he walked over to his boxers and slid them over his hips. He left the room, and left Colin stunned at the beauty of his best friend.

Colin wasn't sure why he had never noticed it before. O, yes, he'd noticed that Ryan was good looking. Or even sexy. But he had never stopped and looked at the pure beauty his friend held every day. The way he walked was almost majestic, at least it was that way to Colin. Eventually even the way he talked had finally started to entrance Colin.

Shaking himself from his train of thought, Colin grabbed his underwear and slid out the door, following Ryan closely.

"Hey, love, what took you so long?" Ryan joked and slid his arm around Colin's shoulders. Colin smiled and leaned against the taller man's side.

They walked into the kitchen arm in arm. Wayne and Greg were already dressed and had made breakfast; they were eating when Colin and Ryan came in.

"Well, well, well, look who finally got up.", Greg said, smiling knowingly.

"Damn, Greg. Don't you ever get a hangover?" Ryan muttered and grabbed Colin and himself a plate for the food.

"Nope! I spent many-a-day passed out over my toilet, remember? It doesn't affect me much anymore." Greg explained.

"Well then, Greg. How was your night?" Ryan could hear Colin chuckle from behind him.

"O. It was nice, yours?"

"I'm sure you know. Just like we know all about yours."

Colin and Wayne sat back and watched them sit on the line between bickering and idle conversation. Colin had always liked it when they did that. It was highly entertaining. Wayne turned to Colin, a pleasant smile on his face.

“So, how was your night?”

Colin smiled back and thought about how to sum it up. How could he describe the most wonderful night of his life, the night in which all his dreams came true, in a few words? He looked over at Ryan, who was shaking his head and laughing at something Greg said, and suddenly it came to him.

“It was perfect.”

Wayne’s grin grew as he followed Colin’s gaze.

“I take it your evening went well too?”

“Yeah.” He paused, and then said, with pride. “I love him.”

Colin smiled wildly. What had happened in that house last night had been building for years. Two discoveries of hidden love had finally been found, and all due to the devilish mind of Mr. Greg Proops. They finished their breakfast over enjoyable conversation. Every now and then there was a joke over the night’s events, but it was all good natured. Wayne stood to gather the plates, but Greg stopped him.

“I got it, you just sit down and have some more coffee.”, he said planting a sweet kiss on Wayne’s cheek.

In that little action it was evident that their night of lust was so much more. It looked like Ryan and Colin weren’t the only one’s who had found a meaningful, heartfelt connection.

“Let me help ya with those Greg.”, Colin said following Greg into the kitchen.

After they had left the room Wayne turned to Ryan and said, “We really got lucky, huh?”

Ryan looked up at the younger man, with a big grin. Wayne could be insightful when he wanted to be. They were lucky. Not only because they had the libido of eighteen year olds, but also to have found this ordinary everyday miracle.

“Yeah, we really did.”

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