Title: I Didn't (Steal Your Boyfriend)
Fandom: Smallville
Characters: Chloe Sullivan, Clark Kent, Lois Lane
Prompt: #96- Author's Choice- Rumors
Word Count: 2,054
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: Everyone thinks Chloe's going out with Clark. Problem is- she isn't.
Author's Note: Spoilers to mid season 5.
My table can be found
here “Hey Chloe.”
Chloe looked up from her computer, only to be hit in the face with a crumpled up piece of paper.
“Clark!” She shrieked after she’d calmed down from the surprise. “What in the hell was that?”
“Air mail.” Clark said with a grin, from his desk across from Chloe’s.
Chloe shook her head, but couldn’t suppress her grin. She began to laugh, and soon Clark’s laugh mingled in the air with her air with her own.
“Oh, please.” One of the other Daily Planet Interns, Bittleman, said from his desk behind Chloe’s. “Why don’t you two go get a room? Or at least go spend some quality time together in the supply closet?”
“What in the hell are you talking about?” Chloe spun around to face Bittleman.
“Look, I’m single. All my friends have significant others, even my ass of a roommate does, and I don’t. I like work to be my refuge away from all that shit. It would be a great boon to me if you and Clark would save your foreplay for after work hours, okay?”
“Boyfriend? Clark is not my boyfriend!” Chloe chirped. “And on what Earth does throwing a paper wad at someone count as foreplay?”
“Whatever.” Bittleman shrugged. “Everyone at Met U knows that you and Clark are dating. It’s common knowledge.”
“Yeah, except to me.”
“I’ve got eyes, Sullivan.” Bittleman sighed as he stood up and gathered a bunch of papers. “I’m going to go work in the conference room.”
Chloe turned to look at Clark. “We’re not dating, right?”
Clark paused for a second. “We’re friends.”
“People are insane.” Chloe grunted, turning back to articles she needed to finish for tomorrow’s edition.
“Uh, Chloe?”
Chloe looked up from her Chemistry textbook. “Yeah?”
Her roommate, Iris West, frowned slightly. Iris was quickly becoming one of Chloe’s best friends- they’d met in the freshman level journalism classes last year, and when Lana announced that she was looking for a new sophomore year roommate, Iris was Chloe’s first choice for a new roommate. A stunning redhead, Iris had a great sense of humor, and was almost as addicted to the computer as Chloe was. Iris was on the broadcast journalism track at Met U, but she shared Chloe’s passion for a good news story.
“Do you have a MySpace?” Iris said hestitanly.
“Nope. I have an LJ, but that’s about it.”
“Oh. Uh….Chlo….somebody’s taken the liberty of making you a MySpace.”
“What?” Chloe threw her book the floor and hopped off of her bed, and quickly came over to Iris’ desk, where she could see the computer.
The blog featured Chloe’s picture, and had her correct age listed, but the biography…wasn’t her at all.
About Me:
I’m a Sophomore at Metropolis University. I study journalism. My hobbies include screwing my friends over! I have a boyfriend, CLARK KENT, whom I absolutely adore! Yeah, I stole him away from Lana Lang, but he likes blondes way more than brunettes, so it’s all good.
Each blog entry was about how she’d stolen Clark from Lana, and different myspace users had posted comments about horrible she was for stealing Clark.
“What in the hell?” Chloe squeaked. “I’m…not…” She shook her head, fury growing in her veins. “You believe me, Iris, don’t you? I’m not dating Clark, but suddenly the entire world thinks that I am.”
“It’s someone being stupid, Chloe. Don’t pay it any attention.”
“I’ve got to get out of here.” Chloe said, reaching for her coat and shoes. “I’ll…be back…I don’t know, but I’ll be back. After I figure this out, okay?”
“Do you want me to go with you?”
Chloe shook her head. “I’m okay. Can you see…can you see if anyone can figure out who would want to write my name on the virtual bathroom wall of the world?”
“I’ll try.” Iris said softly. She turned to her computer and began to type furiously. The best hacker she knew was a bit young, but it was early enough yet that Barbara would probably still be up. If Babs couldn’t track down the origin of this, no one could. Iris grinned- and her parents said that she wouldn’t make any important contacts being a counsellor at computer camp. They had such a limited view of the world.
“Latte. Venti. Whipped Cream. Extra Caramel, Extra Chocolate.” Chloe croaked.
Lois shook her head. “I think you’ve legally past the limit of whipped cream for one night. I’m gonna have to cut you off.”
Chloe glared at her cousin. “Give me the coffee, and nobody gets hurt.”
“This much coffee isn’t going to make whatever’s bothering you any better. It’s just going to keep you jogging to the bathroom all night, Chlo, and you haven’t liked using the one here since we had the extreme case of dead body in the wall.”
“I should have just gone to a dive in Suicide Slum and gotten hammered.”
“Chlo, just tell me what’s wrong.”
“The entire universe thinks I’m dating Clark.”
“You’re not?”
“Don’t make me hurt you, Lois. You know that I’m not. You think I’d be able to keep something like that a secret? I’ve been hopelessly devoted to him since eighth grade. You’d think I’d be able to grow up and get over it, but no…I’m going to end up being this single old biddy with a million cats. Or maybe cows. A million cows, that’s it. And they’ll find me dead one day, and the cows will be chewing on my pathetic dead carcass.”
“Are you talking mutant cows here? Because I’m pretty sure that your average run of the mill cow doesn’t eat human.”
“There’s a blog about me. Saying how I’m with Clark now, and how I bewitched him to dump the helpless little Lana Lang. Like I would ever do that!”
“So which makes you more angry---the fact that you’re supposedly screwing over Lana by being with Clark, or that you actually aren’t with Clark?”
“It’s a toss up.” Chloe sighed. “Does Lana actually believe this? Is this what she thinks of me? I know we didn’t part on the best of terms…but…Lana has been my friend for years, and if this is how we treat each other….were we ever really friends?”
“Lana didn’t do it.” Clark’s voice sounded from the back of the Talon. He strode to the counter where Chloe was sitting. “Iris called me. Apparently, Lana’s new roommate, Cupcake Hermann was the one who made the page.
“See?” Lois said, punching Chloe lightly in the shoulder. “It’s not that bad. And if you’re that concerned about how Lana thinks of you, why don’t you send her an email or something? If your friendship was as strong as you think it was, there should be something there to salvage…and if she doesn’t respond…then…she’s not worth it.”
“You think?”
“Hey, this is grade A, Quality Cousin Advice. Take it.” Lois smiled. “Are you finally done with your coffee bender? I’d like to close up.”
Chloe nodded. “I guess I should get back to Metropolis.”
“I didn’t mean you had to go…” Lois frowned.
“Why don’t you come stay at my house?” Clark said, rubbing Chloe’s shoulder. “Mom could always use the extra company, and maybe we could talk her into making pancakes.”
Chloe’s mouth involuntarily watered at the thought of Martha’s pancakes. “Okay.” She said in a tiny voice.
The air outside was cold; spring hadn’t fully come to Kansas on the first day of March. Damn groundhog. Chloe shivered- her coat wasn’t very thick. Clark noticed her shiver and put his arm around her shoulder, drawing her close to his body.
“That better?”
Chloe nodded. “Much.”
They walked in silence to the Kent truck. Clark helped Chloe into the cab before running around and getting in the driver’s side.
Smallville was pretty much deserted at twelve thirty in the morning, and the steady blinking of the traffic lights was their only company.
Clark spoke, breaking the silence. “You’ve seemed pretty upset today.”
Chloe nodded. “Yeah.”
“You weren’t the reason Lana and I broke up, Chloe.”
She chuckled bitterly. “You think I don’t know that? Green light.” She said, looking up at the stoplight. “You and Lana had like a million problems, including your inability to well, you know, after you got your powers back, not to mention the whole turning back time thing, and the secrets you kept….I was often the monkey in the middle for both of you Clark, and I don’t miss that at all.”
“I’m sorry everything today made you so upset, Chloe.”
“Thanks. I just feel like the entire galaxy is trying to play one gigantic joke on me, giving me everything I want, but I’m the only one who doesn’t know that I’ve got it.” She blushed slightly, realizing what she’d said. “Or something like that.” She covered.
Clark stopped at a red light, and shifted the car into park. “If the galaxy’s playing one gigantic joke on you, it’s playing one on me too.”
“I’m not always as dense as you think I am, Chloe.” He sighed, and ran his fingers quickly through his dark hair. “Sometimes I am, but you know, not all the time. When I broke up with Lana, I was a mess. After everything with Jor-El, and my Dad…I didn’t know what to do, exactly. And you’ve been great, really great. The best friend I could ask for.”
Chloe nodded. “I love being your best friend, Clark.”
“And then, it’s like all of a sudden, I don’t know. Things changed, and I don’t know how or why, and but now I notice how your legs look in your short black skirt, or how your nose crinkles when you laugh, or how your perfume seems to get all over my jacket when you borrow it, and I like it because it smells like you; and sometimes when I call you late at night, and we’re talking, my heat vision decides to spontaneously combust…” He paused slightly. “And right now, all I want to do is…” Clark looked at Chloe, staring open mouthed at him.
Seizing the opportunity, Clark scooted across the truck’s seat, and gathered Chloe in his arms, and gave her one hell of a kiss.
Chloe swore she saw stars, and planets. Krypton, maybe?
Clark pulled away, shaking, and looked at her.
She met his gaze, shaking as well. With a burst of courage, she put her hand behind his head and kissed him fully on the lips.
The kiss grew quite involved, as their bodies shifted closer together, and the passion in the truck cab grew bolder. The windows began to fog, when suddenly, the beeping of the horn of an eighteen wheeler behind them caused them to break apart suddenly.
Clark struggled, and was able to get the truck in gear and on the road to the Kent farm with a little bit of fumbling.
“To risk sounding like a really bad Hilary Duff commercial….Whoa.” Chloe said.
Clark grinned. “I had the feeling it might be that way.”
“You did?”
“Face it, Chlo, we’ve become masters at getting ourselves into situations like that…like when you were possessed by the alien parasite, or the elevator…or with my jersey…”
Chloe blushed. “I blame the electric kool-aid.”
“I still have that jersey, you know.”
“Are you asking for a fashion show?” Chloe stammered, still not quite able to register all the events of the evening. This was big…reciprocal flirting with Clark was a brand new and scary world.
“Maybe.” He grinned. “If you’re okay with this…with us being...well, us.”
“If you are.”
“I am.” Clark smiled. “And if anyone tries to say that you stole me from Lana, they’re wrong. I haven’t been hers in a long time, Chlo. I’ve just been biding my time until I could be yours.” He patted the seat beside him. “Come sit over here.”
Chloe scooted, and sat spooned up to Clark all the way to the Kent farm.
When Clark lifted her out of the truck and kissed spun her around, she giggled. And as Clark lowered his lips to hers for another electric kiss, Chloe realized that it didn’t matter if she did steal Clark from Lana or if she didn’t.
He was her boyfriend now, and that’s all that mattered.