Title: Precious Metal
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Anakin, OFC, Obi-Wan, Padme
Prompt: Colourless
Word Count: 447
Rating: G
Summary: A child's first lightsabre is a Big Deal...
Author's Notes: Baby-Kenobi's name is pronounced Sarr-ad. That is all.
Five-year-old Saraid Kenobi couldn't keep the bounce out of her step as she hopped off the ship's landing ramp and saw her parents waiting for her. She managed not to break down and run towards them, instead waiting for Anakin to emerge before she started walking towards them.
Obi-Wan and Padme shared a secret smile. Their daughter was every bit like her Master, despite having parents who were usually more controlled. Of course, all it took was a quiet word from Master Skywalker to send the child flying into the arms of her mother, as Padme stooped down to sweep her daughter up into her arms.
Obi-Wan watched happily as the two loves of his life babbled back and forth for a moment, then stepped aside to speak with his old friend. "So. How did it go?"
"It went well, Master." Anakin never did get the hang of calling Obi-Wan anything else. "Although I was a bit worried when things didn't go as they should have on Ilum," he said with a frown.
"Oh?" Obi-Wan glanced back at his daughter, instantly concerned. "What happened?"
"Well, she entered the trance with ease, but...it didn't work. We tried several times for three days until, finally, she told me that being on Ilum 'didn't feel right'."
"Oh." The corner of Obi-Wan's mouth turned up in a slight grin.
"Yes. Oh. Of course, she couldn't tell me where we needed to go for it to 'feel right'. So we spent the last two standard weeks traipsing around the galaxy. We ended up on Dantooine."
"And?" Obi-Wan was curious now. And a bit anxious to see how his daughter had made out.
It was Anakin's turn to grin. "You'll see. Saraid! Come over here and show your father how you did."
Saraid jumped from Padme's arms and bounced over to the two Jedi, Padme following behind. She unclipped a lightsabre hilt from her belt and held it out. "See, papa! Isn't it shiny?"
Obi-Wan could help but feel proud as he knelt in front of his daughter and gazed at Saraid first weapon. "It's very well crafted, my heart. And what colour did the Force give you?"
Holding the hilt out, Saraid ignited the blade. A silver shaft of energy pulsed into life with that distinctive snap-hiss. "Gots no colour. Isn't it pretty?"
Obi-wan blinked, and looked up at Anakin. His friend shrugged.
Obi-Wan smiled warmly. "One of nature's most precious metals, my heart. It endures forever as a shining beacon of life and love. Wield it well."
Saraid snapped the blade off and threw her arms around Obi-Wan's neck. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "Thank you, papa."