Fair warning: I had sex for the first time in 1972, which means I have 33 years worth of experience, most of it pleasurable. ;) I write smut. A lot of my stories will be about sex and/or have adult themes.
These are stories I've already written that I'm trying to fit into the boxes.
Title: An Act of Will
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing, etc: Adama/Roslin
Prompt: 001. Beginnings
Word Count: 2,762
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: PWP. I decided this should fall under "Beginnings" because it was my first A/R fic and I was writing the beginning of their sweet, hot, sexual relationship.
Beginnings. NC-17 Title: Triangle
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing, etc: Adama/Roslin
Prompt: 042. Triangle
Word Count: 7,777 (gotta love THIS word count!)
Rating: R
Author's Notes: AU. I just HAPPENED to have written a story called "Triangle" which is about a... triangle. How serendipitous.
Triangle. R Title: Détente
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing, etc: Adama/Roslin
Prompt: 053. Earth
Word Count: 2,793
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: If you're into this fandom, you'll understand why I classified this one as Earth.
Earth. NC-17 I'm assuming these prompts are subject to loose interpretation. If not let me know.