Title: Strangers
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: David Lister, Arnold Rimmer, Cat, Kristine Kochanski
Prompt: 025: Strangers
Word Count: 686
Rating: G
Summary: Wherein Lister has a serious case of Deja Vue, and realizes something important about Rimmer.
Author's Notes: Spoilers for season VIII.
Boy, this sure is a little damn table!"(
It was by far the stupidest argument Lister had ever experienced )
Comments 17
Excellent little fic! Would love to have heard Kryten's opinion on Lister's feelings at the end.
Will surely keep following your 100fic developments!
But yeah, there will be more explicit things coming...
BTW, if you are interested in Red Dwarf slash, have you checked out http://community.livejournal.com/reddwarfslash ? It's where it's at!
I love the fact that you're playing the differences between Rimmer and the 7th Season Rimmer. Most fics I've found tend to forget they're really two different individuals.
Poor, poor Lister. (It's worse when I remember that he lost Rimmer because he wanted the best for Rimmer, to let him fullfil his dream of being a hero. Sniff)
Yeah, they're different people, at least in my opinion. It's kind of a philosophical question too; is someone with the same personality and memories as another person the same as that person? I say no. And of course, these people don't have the same memories either.
The funny thing is that I've seen fic writers (And, let's be honest, even the show writers by the end of the story) forget about that. 7th Season Rimmer is a 1st Season Rimmer who hasn't had the chance to grow up and become Lister's friend. Your story is showing that, even when the 'real' Rimmer is not around. Which is great.
OT... Is that Kahvi in your icon? Believe it or not, I hadn't made the connection between Elfquest and your username (I used to be a big Elfquest fan before Shards, and Kahvi was one of my favorites)
And yeah, they do forget. But that's the great thing about fan fiction; you can fix what you think is missing!
I love how we see Rimmer as his original twonker self, and kudos for picking up on the differences between Rimmer-as-he-was and Rimmer-as-he-would become.
Thanks for feeding back, and good luck with your challenge! :)
He paused, as realization struck him. “He changed. I didn’t notice, but he changed.”
I really, really loved that line. Aww, poor Lister - I think we can all relate, in fact; it's difficult to avoid that 'this isn't the Rimmer we've come to know' feeling during series VIII. Alas. And 'I’m getting out of here, ‘cause whatever you’ve got I’m not catching it!' absolutely cracked me up. You've got the Cat down perfectly. You've got all of them down perfectly, in fact. Fantastic stuff.
That's what ever fic writer longs to hear, really, isn't it? I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for feeding back. :D
That was great. It's wonderful when a fic really draws out the difference in who Rimmer was and who he was when he left. I also loved that last line from Kochanski - "Now you know how I feel." Absolutely brilliant =)
You know, I was thinking when I wrote this; "am I taking this too far? Was he really that bad?" But then I realized, there's no such thing as "too far" when it comes to season I/season VIII Rimmer. ;)
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