Suikoden IV, Prompt 68: Lightning

Feb 01, 2006 14:01

Title: The Basics
Fandom: Suikoden IV
Character: Keneth
Prompt: 068: Lightning
Word Count: 448
Rating: PG
Summary: Memorizing these simple lessons will come in handy...
Author's Notes: Set pre/early in the main storyline, in Razril. Only spoils how the various elemental runes interact. Table for other stories (as they're written) can be found here.

Elemental magic relies heavily on the affinity of the spellcaster. Every intelligent creature, whether human or elven or kobold, even certain types of monsters, have individual alignments. Most people have one or two elements they excel at; those who possess talent with three or more typically become mages, while those few without any particularly standout skill are encouraged to look at runes that offer more physical benefits.

In his case, for example, Keneth already knew that his talent lay with Lightning runes. Testing their affinity with the different elemental runes was standard procedure for training knights of Gaien -- upon deciding which runes showed the most potential, they automatically issued that individual one, so that they would always have it on hand.

Lightning magic... when channeled through a rune cannon, lightning could cancel out and block other lightning shells, cut through water shells and hit their target unchallenged, but was vulnerable to earth magic. When not being used to power a cannon, it remained the best choice for use against single, particularly strong opponents. Only the weakest spell, Beserk Blow, was effective against multiple targets on its own. However, that weakness could be overcome by talented casters, so long as they had equally talented friends... by timing their spells correctly, lightning users could potentially combine their magic with fire or water specialists for devastating effects.

This had been demonstrated for them before, by the older knights... Keneth recalled being particularly impressed by the combination they called 'Flame Array'. The fire actually seemed to channel and spread the electricity across the affected field, while still striking the centered target for the most damage.

He also remembered clearly the looks of amazement and awe he'd seen some of the other trainees sporting as they watched the various demonstrations. The way Jewel's eyes had shown, how Tal let out a low, impressed whistle, how Snowe nudged Lazlo's side and pointed, murmuring something... probably wondering if they could ever mimic such a feat someday.

Runic magic could be truely stunning to watch... sometimes he could almost forget how it was meant to be used. When he stood by a cannon and launched a lightning shell, watched it crash into their battered training target, he wondered if he would always feel so... detached from it. If he'd be able to stand there so calmly and help load up the next round when he knew in the back of his mind that the last shot had likely taken out a decent portion of their ship, if not their crew...

Some things, it seemed, just couldn't be tested until the real thing happened. He'd just have to wait and see...
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