Title: Balance
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: David Lister/Kristine Kochanski
Prompt: 096: Writer's Choice
Word Count: 1160
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The David Lister in Ace Rimmer's dimension contemplates how things might have been different.
Author's Notes: Possible spoilers for Dimension Jump.
Lister’s mind was filled with stars and moons and planets, and the infinite worlds out there for Ace to explore )
Comments 3
I liked the melancholy here and the sense of the grass always being greener as a bit of a theme. Somewhere out there, that third class tech who did whatever he liked is being incredibly jealous of him, the family man who got to settle down with Krissie.
A Lister who has to shave, who can't have curries and Lager whenever he likes... it seems almost unnatural....
Thanks for the feedback!
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