To quoth Michael Scott, "Happy birthday... Sorry your party is so lame"

Dec 01, 2006 00:45

Everyone knows I am a firm believer in birthdays.

The day of your birth is the one day out of the year that should be unabashedly dedicated to singing your praises with much pomp and fanfaronade.

It is the time for the people who love you to show you that they are thankful for your company and existence, and demonstrate that indeed you are so awesome that the very day you enriched the world with your existence should be commemorated.

Cake and streamers should abound, your loved ones should ring around you with big smiles and well wishes, goodies and favorite foods should fall from the sky.

Unfortunately, a proper birthday celebration with showering pastries is best orchestrated when the celebrated and the celebrators are in the same general location. Or failing that, the celebrators have an obscene amount of money to lavish on the birthday person.

As I lack these assets, this will not be a proper birthday celebration.

What I do not lack is lots of affection and many well wishes for a certain friend, who turns 24 today. (As Jenna would say, you are sooooo old!)

William, as I look back on the year, there are lots of things about you to celebrate. You make the stuff I love even more fun to think and talk about. You helped to make Costa Rica seem not so far away. Your hermit , grouchy old man ways amuse me. Your stories are a delight for me to read, and I am sure that I am the future envy of the fans you will have.

I wish I could be a better birthday ninja this year, but for numerous (mostly computer-related) reasons my birthday gifts will have to be more haphazard in their arrival this year.

You could think of it as sort of a birthday countdown until I can visit you.

Here's your first "gift":

So let the William-abration commence!

apotheotic alice

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