01x18 : "the one with some thoughts"

Aug 13, 2009 16:14

I may change my layout soon. Again. Can't find one that I'm totally ok with. I guess I never will lol

Not much happened since the last time I post. Except that I can't go to London to see Scott Alan. I'm sad but I guess it's the way it will be 'till I find a proper job.

But let's talk tv shows.
- Farscape, is the one I'm watching now. Actually I'm re-watching season1. I love the show, it's so much fun. The characters are all so.....alien! The way they react about human behavior is really amusing. And for once it's human who are weird amongst aliens. The plot is really simple and it's just nice to not think lol

- True Blood scares me but it's awesome!!! Maryann scares me the most I can't figure out what the hell she is and I'm sure when I will know, I'm not gonna like it lol
Actually "normal" people are somewhat very scary in True Blood. Well, Jason and his mate claim to be normal but really....they are scaringly out of their minds.
It's addicitve, I really have to keep watching, will watch epi 6 and 7 tonight.

- I'm dying to see Glee! I watched the pilot like 4 times in 1 week.

- I've just seen Dollhouse's pilot 10mn ago and I loved it. Well, I don't really like the actors (I don't know why never really happened before with a show) I guess it's because of what the story is. I'm sure I will change my mind soon.

So I'm off to do some work and surely watch the second Dollhouse!


tv: dollhouse, london, tv: farscape, tv: true blood, tv: glee

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