On Gorilla on the loose

Jun 05, 2007 11:55

Moo Mini Cards
Yeah, well, the title. It was going to be a rant, but I don't think that it's worth it. If it bothers me again, I might post about it. ;-) I was going to re-title the post, but I actually quite like the title, so I'm going to leave it. *LOL* (Oh, there'll be a little rant later alright, but not on the same topic)

Anywayz, as you can see, I received my Moo Mini Cards!!!! They are sooooo purdy and fun to play with! I can't wait to start distributing them around...and since I'll be sending off some yarns for swaps, a card will be going in with each package! Right now, I'm using one as a book-marker for my EZ's Knitting without Tears! (I could rant about Amazon and Deutsche Post here, but no)

Now, before we get to the real knitting content, I need to let out one real rant here. So...*rant on*

This morning, when I got on the computer and logged on to
I saw an update by Casey, the Fairy who created the site. (If you don't know what Ravelry is, go and take a sneak peek HERE).

The update tells us that some dimwit a certain "particularly upset" person sent them an email expressing his/her unhappiness that he/she still hasn't received an invitation to join Ravelry. By the tone of how Casey wrote, it seems that the email wasn't very nice at all. When are people going to understand that they can't just go ahead and open the floodgate and get all the people in and just let the site go boom?! Be patient, people!

Sure, I'm already in, so I can talk how I like. And also, if you know me, you know that I'm very impatient about some of the stuff. But let me tell you this, I understand totally why Casey and FreckleGirl is going slowly at this: They want to make the site ready before opening the gate. Think about it. Aren't you going to be even more unhappy if you just joined up and the next day the site crashes? Besides I can tell from experience. I waited for my invitation, very impatiently. Bockstark Knits even got her invitation before I do, and I was sure that I signed up before she did. So, I wrote a nice email asking FreckleGirl about my invitation and she got back to me promptly and said that I wasn't far down the list. Now, I didn't go around barking at them and sent them an anonymous email! If you're going to get angry at them, then do it with honesty and don't go through the back door and bark at them anonymously. Bloody coward! *rant off*

Boyfriend Sock: Frogged back and needles re-inserted
If you've listened to the first episode of
, you'd have heard me talking about my woes with my sock-knitting-mojo at the moment, particularly with the Boyfriend Sock at the moment. You see, the first time the cables travel to the outer edge, I ended up twisting that set of cables one time too many. I hadn't touched the sock since I noticed the mistake. Only when I started talking about it on the podcast and then saw MondayLunchCrew's finished pair did I had the courage to rip out the needles and frogged back to the offending point. I succeeded in that, but I still haven't knit any further. Right now I'm too engrossed in lace projects....

Clementine Shawlette: Progress, first half completed - unblocked blob
My fav at the moment is the Clementine Shawlette (for MEEEEEEEE!!!!). This first half had been completed like a week and a half ago and had been sitting there waiting to pose for a photo until yesterday. I've already started knitting the second half and half of that is already done. I just can't wait until this one's finished! Then I can have fun with blocking lace for the first time and pinning out everything. I haven't got blocking wires and the thought at pinning out everything with hundreds of little pins kinda make me want to go cower in a dark corner. So, anybody out there has any tips for me?

Icarus: Progress
Lastly, the Icarus for my mum's coming along, albeit slowly. I actually got hooked on knitting it on Saturday evening and got a bit done. Yeah, I know it doesn't look as though it had grown at all...but it had.

It's going to be my Christmas '07 present for my mum...so I still have time to do this one, but I shouldn't leave it off for too long. ;-)

Well, I guess that's all I have for the moment. We're recording the second episode of
this coming Thursday...and it's going to jam-packed with loads of fun! So, keep a look out for the second episode coming soon!

Have a great week, y'all!

Current Mood: Great!
Food for the ears:

Did you think
Adrina Thorpe

Originally posted on elellanyar.vox.com

germany, photography, life in munich, knitters uncensored, fashion, rant, ravelry, hobby, moi, podcast, munich, knitting, shawl, stitch 'n bitch

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