On long weekend, birthdays and the sense of belonging

Oct 04, 2006 11:24

Freestyle, originally uploaded by fanelendil.
Wow, it's been almost a week since I blogged last.

Blame it on the long weekend. It's been quite a whirl of activities....with new people and all. I'll get to that soon enough.

On Friday, I went to see Wanderlust's new apartment and then went to IKEA with her and her bloke. I got some of the stuff that I had been wanting to get. So the trip was worthwhile. Saturday I helped them move and was pretty pooped for the rest of the day. Although I went over to Frank's afterwards and we went through the Wiesn. Boy was there a lot of people there on that day.

Anyhow, I got a bit of a surprise on Sunday morning when Frank said that we were going to his mum's. I mean, that was pretty unexpected for me. His brother and the wife (i.e. sister-in-law) as well as his nieces were also there. Apparently they come every year to spend a couple of days together go to the Wiesn and to also celebrate the birthday of Frank's mum. So basically, the whole family was there....and I got to meet them!

I don't know what I could say about it....but at first, it was kinda weird for me, as it was unexpected....granted though, that Frank had actually mentioned his brother's family coming down for the Wiesn before, but the fact that I would be spending a couple of days with them all was new for me. Of course, I could've said no and gone off and done my own stuff, but I'm not someone who bails out easily. So off we went to Frank's mum.

It was pleasant. I mean, I didn't know how to act when I was there...so I was a bit quiet at first and just tried to get used to the people. There is a reason why I was being so timid and unsure around them...but it's nothing I think I'm at the liberty to discuss here. But it suffices to say that after a while, it got better.

We all went for a walk in the English Garden and then stopped to have something to drink at the Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Tower) before returning to Frank's mum's again.

Chain carousel, originally uploaded by fanelendil.
...it escapes me though about what we did for the rest of the afternoon. The only thing that I can remember right now is that in the evening we watched TV and played a board game and I got to re-learn how to play Rummy.

Monday was a kind of semi-holiday, since Tuesday was the German Unification Day, most people took Monday off to bridge the weekend into a long 4-day-weekend. So we all went to the Wiesn and Frank had to go on rides with his nieces. I went on a couple of them and had to bail after the second one because I felt dizzy (not enough sleep the night before plus the ice-cream I had right before going on to the second ride).

Then it was lunchtime and I was also invited by Frank's mum.....who I kinda forgot to thank formally. *whoops* So, thank you, Frank's mum!. We went around to Frank for coffee and a break. Frank had his session teaching fitness so I went home thinking that I would do some chores, but no, I got home and crashed only to wake up a couple of hours later and headed back to Frank's mum's again.

We stayed there and played cards and congratulated her on her birthday before heading back home again.

Riesenrad, originally uploaded by fanelendil.
The pictures you have seen up until now are from Saturday evening when I went over the Wiesn with Frank.

For the rest of the weekend I didn't get to take any interesting photos...or the photos just turned out crap. So sorry about that.

Chess figures, originally uploaded by fanelendil.
So yesterday, Tuesday, we got to sleep in, which I needed. But the rest of the day was kinda weird. It's always like this on a national holiday...everything's closed and you just have no idea what you should do.

Frank's brother and his family had already gone back....and so I got to spend the day alone with Frank. We were actually quite at a loss about where to go. I actually suggested we go to the Botanical Garden, but the weather was kinda weird...so Frank suggested we go to the Munich Residence Treasury instead. I haven't been there for a long time now, so it was good to go and have a look again. Although I have to admit that it was a bit too much information and stuff after the first three or four rooms that you just lost interest. I think we spent about an hour in there before leaving and heading back over to Frank's. The rest of the day was spent doing nothing.

The weather really turned in the evening when it started raining cats and dogs, so it was pleasant to be inside. Frank opened his bottle of 1995 Bordeaux *yummy* and it was then a quiet night in.

What I want to say with the events from the weekend is that I now have the feeling of belonging to a certain person again. Admittedly, of course, I had felt that with HWMNBN back in those halcyon days, but we had been drifting apart constantly and there was such an abyss in the end that I just felt I left out and lonely. Of course, I have my friends from SnB and the university, but still there wasn't this concrete sense of belonging to someone as opposing to belonging to a group. This, however, came with Frank.

This weekend had also made me realised that I'd changed for the positive in aspect to being in a relationship. I had to chuckle to myself on how I would've reacted very differently to some situation I experienced over the weekend had the time-set been about a year ago. I have become more relaxed and I'm not taking (petty) things too seriously or just being plainly demanding on my partner. I also had to admit though that there were certain moments I felt this pang that I should voice out my petty dissastisfaction, but I kept myself in check and didn't jump on it at that moment as I would have done in the past, but instead I kept it to myself first and assessed it before voicing it out, and I did so only if it need be.

In a way, I think I've learned a lot from my relationship with HWMNBN and the aftermath that still has its effect now. But like I'd been saying to a lot of people, I'm determined to do things differently this time....and whatever it is, it's working well....and I'm happy. The only thing that I hope for now is that Frank is also happy....so far I can tell though, he is.

frank, guys, oktoberfest, relationship, photography, life in munich, wiesn, hobby, private emotion, people

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