Thankful Thursday

Apr 08, 2010 14:21

I'm always grateful for the things I'm about to list but this week I've been especially grateful for them and just had to say it out loud:

My husband who loves me and supports me and makes me laugh.

My son who is one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me.  I often wonder if I'm worthy enough to have him.  Whether I am or not, I will always be grateful to be his mother.

My parents, brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins...  I have a huge family and even though I don't get to see them anywhere near as often as I'd like, I love them dearly and am blessed to call them family.

My best friend who is always there for me no matter what.

All of my friends, really.  I'm one lucky girl to be able to call them friends.

On a thankful for the simple things note:

the tree in the front yard that's finally budding
birds singing
all the signs of spring
fresh strawberries and cool whip
music that inspires me
hearing my son laugh and seeing him smile
going for walks

And really, the list could go on, but I have to go pick T up from school now.  So I'll stop here.

Also, tomorrow I will be posting an interview with meredith_wood  so keep your eye out for it!


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