1. T finally went back to school today (amid much protest on his part). Okay, so he's not 100% better, but it's been over 24 hours since his last fever and his cough is significantly better than it was. This meant that I was finally free to get writing done w/o distractions. So what happened? Out of the two hours I had available to sit at the computer, I spent at least half of that leaning back in the chair with my eyes closed, listening to music, and trying to get a solid vision of the scene in my head. And out of the time spent actually writing, I only got 375 words. However, I do really like those 375 words. : )
2. Last week my mom sent me a package ( I love getting fun mail!!) that had some stuff of mine she's been storing for a while as well as some treats for T. In that package was something very cool that I'd forgotten about until she reminded me of it and I begged her to send it. It's a ceramic souvenir made to look like a rock with a Fremont pretroglyph on it. Way cool. I have it sitting beside my keyboard as tangible inspiration.
3. Yesterday I mentioned that I found some great Native American music to help me better channel Rider. Among that music is songs from Jana Mashonee. My favorite is this:
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4. And since I'm sharing songs, here's the theme song for Dreamwalker.
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5. And lastly, I leave you with the video my husband had to make because he hit 150 fans (in three days!) He's now up to 190. Thank you once again to those who helped make that happen.
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