Title: Memories of Winters Past - Too Much Alike (3/??)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Roy/Ed
Verse: Roy/Ed
Pic Prompt: N/A
Author: Lynx212
Genre: Romance/Introspective
Rating: T
Summary: One suave handsome devil was more than enough. In Roy's opinion, he had that covered.
He was charming, humorous and a bit too damn confident for Roy’s liking. Title: Memories of Winters Past - Let the Games Begin (4/??)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Roy/Ed
Verse: Roy/Ed
Pic Prompt: N/A
Author: Lynx212
Genre: Romance/Introspective
Rating: T
Summary: Two could play at this game.
The official claim has been staked.