Title: The "Almost" Kiss
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Sue Sylvester/Will Schuester
Challenge: #18: Secrets
Bonus: No
Rating/Warning: PG UST, Implied sexual thoughts.
Summary/Other Info: Sue cant get her mind off a certain Will Schuester I watched the final episode of season 1 last night so that explains the Glee drabs... Enjoy!!
The “Almost” Kiss by HPFangirl71
Sue and Will shared a secret… Sue had tried blackmailing Schuester into kissing her. It’d been the perfect way to humiliate and degrade Will but in the end, Sue had stopped him.
Only now, Sue couldn’t stop thinking about that “almost” kiss. Alone in her office, she’d secretly think of Schuester, wondering just what his lips would’ve tasted like. She knew they would’ve been moist and soft against her own. She kept imagining Will’s gorgeous body pressed tightly against her own muscular physique.
Sue Sylvester never regretted anything… but that “almost” kiss with one Will Schuester, it haunted her still…
Title: Secret "What Ifs..."
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Noah Puckerman/Baby Beth Implied past Noah/Quinn
Challenge: #18: Secrets
Bonus: No
Rating/Warning: Just Pure Angst.
Summary/Other Info: Puck cant get his mind off his baby girl
Secret “What If’s…” by HPFangirl71
Noah Puckerman watched from across the mall as a father held a child within his arms. He’d watch as the man held the girl close, kissing her sweet head.
He’d watch in silence and think “What if…”
What if Quinn had decided to keep their baby girl? Would he have actually made a good father?
Then he’d push aside his fantasy and realize that Quinn had made the right decision for them both by giving her away. Still, he’d burn with the pain of the secret “what if…” It lingered within his heart, for a daughter he’d never get to know…