So how did everyone do- here is the place to post points, calories, days of exercise or whatever else you keep track of.
Okay not a good week I gained four pounds. As you can see I didn't count a couple of days.
190/ 175/140
Friday September 5, 2008
Yoga stretches 20 min 1:20 min biking 1hour martial arts training
Drink- 1
Apple with nut butter- 3
Tomatoes- 0
Recharge- 3
Banana- 3
Spaghetti- 4
Cheese and crackers- 4
Corn on the cob and twice baked potato- 7
Popcorn- 2
Saturday September 6, 2008
30 min yoga
Drink- 1
Celery and hummus- 1
Spaghetti with cheese- 5
Cookies- 1
Grilled cheese- 10
Pasta and veggies- 4
Waffles with cream cheese- 5
Cheese sandwich- 6
33- used 8 flex points
Sunday September 7, 2008
1 ½ hours martial arts
Drink- 1
Apple with nut butter- 3
Pasta with veggies and cheese- 7
Crackers and hummus- 4
Yogurt- 3
Avacado enchiladas- 18
36- used 11 flex points
Monday- crappy day didn’t count points
45 min yoga
Drink- 1
Celery and hummus- 1
Salad with chickpea salad- 3
Carrots- 0
Cucumber- 0
Goat cheese- 4
I can’t remember dinner (doing this on Thurs)
Wednesday- finished off junk food and sat around on my butt
Thursday September 11, 2008
30min yoga 1hour biking
Drink- 1
Celery, hummus crackers- 2
1 banana, 1/2c non-fat yogurt, 1t tbs maple syrup- 5
Salad with tofu salad- 3
3 peanut butter cups- 3
Spaghetti- 10
Cookies- 2