Outside the TARDIS, Wednesday afternoon

Jul 12, 2006 10:43

The Doctor's lawn chair was out again, and he was sitting reading a copy of 'Martin Chuzzlewit'. Another chair was set up next to him, in case anyone decided to drop by.

As it was, he was simply enjoying his reading.

[ooc: Mainly here for Isabel, but slowplay interaction with other is perfectly fine, thanks.]


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mparkerceo July 12 2006, 19:12:25 UTC
Parker was just scoping out the town with her camera, trying to get ideas for her photographic prompts, when she saw the TARDIS.

Blue. Definitely blue. And hello, there was That Guy. Who was or wasn't the Doctor. Or something.

She took a photo of him in front of the TARDIS, then carefully walked over. "Hello." Do you know me? she wondered.


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 19:25:53 UTC
"Hello," the Doctor said, looking up from his book. "Need directions to llama school or something?"


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 19:29:35 UTC
"Or something. I'm taking pictures for my photography class, I hope you don't mind." He didn't seem to recognize, and this definitely wasn't the same guy, so... "The last guy who owned a box like that was an alien named the Doctor. Or Ten. Do you know him?"

Then Parker got a brilliant idea. "Oooooo."


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 19:35:27 UTC
The Doctor shuddered. "He actually let people reduce him to a mere number?"


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 19:55:19 UTC
Raising an eyebrow, Parker said, "I thought it was a nickname? I never got any details on it, though. So, you know him? I talked to Sam Carter, and she said you went by the Doctor too."

"Listen. I have an idea for a photo, but I'd need your help." Parker looked very, very hopefully at him. "This is a time machine, isn't it?"


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 20:10:14 UTC
"I am him," the Doctor said. "Only from earlier in his life, possibly from an alternate universe." He stood up and patted the TARDIS. "Yes, the old girl is a time machine. Why do you ask?"


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 20:12:46 UTC
Parker gave him her very best smile. "I'm supposed to get a photo of things that related to blue, leaves, and earth." She gestured to the TARDIS. "And I thought, if I could catch the TARDIS half-way here, and half-way not, it would make a terrific photo." She paused. "If that's even possible?"

She grinned at the TARDIS, then dimmed ita little. "Sooo.... did anyone tell you what Jack and I did in there?" Please say not.


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 20:33:16 UTC
The Doctor was tempted to answer 'Has anyone ever told you what Jack, myself, and Rose did in there?'

But that would've been improper.

"Not specifically, no," the Doctor said. "Anything I should be aware of?"


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 20:35:33 UTC
It was probably as well for the universe that he didn't. Parker would've asked for details, and that might have gotten awkward.

"Noooooo. Not at all." She smiled brightly. "So you do know him? And what do you think? The next time you take her out for a spin, can I photograph the exit?"


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 20:57:05 UTC
"Yes, I know him. Or of him, at least," the Doctor said. "And... you don't happen to have your camera around right now, do you?"


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 21:02:56 UTC
"So, if I asked you for an explanation about Jack, mind-wiping, disappearances, Torchwood, and time travel-- you wouldn't actually have an explanation, would you?" She looked vastly disappointed.

"In fact...." Parker whipped around her camera case, and snapped it open again. "I do." She bounced on her toes, looking gleeful. "Show me what she's got?"


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 21:10:21 UTC
"No explanation at all," the Doctor admitted. He pushed open the doors of the TARDIS. "One dematerialization, coming right up."

He entered, closing the doors behind him. He set himself up for hopping a mere minute into the future, and pulled the lever.

This gave Parker -two- chances to get the shot.


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 21:20:05 UTC
"Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Oh well. Jack may come by to ask you about it, but I'll let him know you've got no clue." She sighed, then grinned brightly. "Thank you!"

She took a quick establishing shot, got a shot of it disappearing, then carefully took a few more shots as it faded away--

--and got another one of it coming back into Fandom, just to make sure she had enough.



nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 21:45:06 UTC
The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS. "Fantastic. Now, may I ask just one thing?"


mparkerceo July 12 2006, 21:49:13 UTC
"Certainly." Parker wound the film, and raised an eyebrow. "Do you want copies?"


nine_and_ears July 12 2006, 21:58:53 UTC
"If they turn out well," the Doctor said. "My question, however, is this. What's your name?"


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