Galactica Point, evening.

Jun 08, 2006 22:19

Hamlet led Ophelia down to the beach. He wanted to get away from his classmates, get her away from other people so that she'd perhaps stop that singing and obsessing over dead flowers.

"So take a look at me now,
Cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
Just the memory of your face"

Hamlet sighed and dropped his head into his hands. "I wish you'd make sense, like you used to before this whole mess with my family started."

He heard footsteps on the sand walking towards him. He looked up to see Ophelia's face directly above his own.

She stared at him. "Why did you kill me, Hamlet?"

He fell back as if slapped. "What?"

"Why did you kill me, Hamlet?" She kept staring at him, with the first sign of sanity she'd shown all day.

He stammered to try and find an answer. "I, I never killed you. I heard about the accident in the stream--"

She cut him off. "You killed my Father! You accused me of horrible things! You humiliated me in front of everyone I know! You used me and abandoned me! And you expect me to just take it?"

Hamlet didn't know how to answer that. He sat down on the sand, trying not to meet her eyes. "I merely tried to do what I thought was best. I was trying to prove a murder most foul." As if his Father would let him forget that.

She wandered out into the surf, and stood were the water hit her ankles. "I don't know what murder you're chasing but the only murderer most foul I know ... is you."

He stared at her at shock. "Ophelia--"

"You could sustain
Or are you comfortable with the pain?
You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness
You got yourself into your own mess," she sang, as she fell back into the same unknowing madness she'd been in the whole day.

Hamlet stood up and called after her. "Ophelia!"

But Ophelia just ignored him and headed farther out into the water.

"Almost made you love me
Almost made you cry
Almost made you happy, baby
Didn't I, didn't I?
You almost had me thinkin'
You were turned around
But everybody knows
Almost doesn't count."

Hamlet started pulling off his boots to head in after her. "You shouldn't go out too far -- there's a strong current off the coast."

Ophelia turned back around to face him, letting go of the last of her flowers.

"And when the stars fall
I will lie awake
You're my shooting star..."

She smiled up at him with that unseeing look in her eyes and waded even deeper into the water. A sudden current brushed by her legs, and Ophelia lost her footing on the sea bottom. Still half singing to herself, she bobbed a couple times on the surface of the sea, before the water seeped through all her clothing and dragged her down into the water. One final large bubbling up of water, and she was gone.

Hamlet ran into the water after her and flailed blindly through the waves, but there was nothing at all to be found there. He slogged back to the beach, and for the first time in ages, he broke down and cried.

He suspected he wouldn't sleep well tonight.

[OOC: Everything with Hamlet and Ophelia is locked. Open for anything else on the beach.]
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