Pirate Radio: Wine, Wenches 'n Song [Noon-2pm]

May 25, 2006 11:23

If your radio was tuned to Pirate Radio, you'd hear a very familiar voice crackling through it at noon ( Read more... )

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Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 18:24:35 UTC
"Ever the Same," anyone? Celine Dion? Pirate music? Barbossa's got them all.


Re: Make a song request conathon May 25 2006, 18:50:23 UTC
Feeling like a sap, Sawyer calls in.


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 18:57:44 UTC
"This be the pirate, ye be on the air," Barbossa said.


Re: Make a song request conathon May 25 2006, 18:59:21 UTC
"Can I request 'No One's Gonna Love You Like Me' by Mary McBride..Fer.." a long pause, "Tempe?" He then hangs up. Embarrassed.


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 19:21:34 UTC
"That'd be 'No One's Gonna Love Ye Like Me," Barbossa said, pulling up the song and hitting play. "From the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack. Which be about boykissy, in case ye be wondering. Aye, Jaye, I can hear ye from here. Goin' out t' some matey named Tempe."


Re: Make a song request fates_jaye May 25 2006, 19:28:33 UTC
There may be an anomymous caller who only requests "FREEBIRD!!!" before hanging up.


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 19:43:27 UTC
"This be 'Freebird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd," Barbossa said. "Because as ye know, thar be birds that be free and ye cannot change that. Or something. Thar be some great guitar riffs in this--that all I be carin' about."


Re: Make a song request nadiathesaint May 25 2006, 19:35:12 UTC
An anonymous caller with a thick Russian accent calls in to request Gimme Brains by Bratmobile, dedicated to the boys in Stickbug.


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 19:45:43 UTC
"Here be 'Gimme Brains', which be terrible romantic if ye be a soul-suckin' zombie o' some kind, I guess," Barbossa said before playing the song. "It be goin' out t' the mateys in Stickbug. Be any o' ye soul-suckin' zombies? Not that thar be anything wrong wit' that, o' course..."


Re: Make a song request whitedeathpod May 25 2006, 19:35:22 UTC
John totally calls up.

"Yo, boss! Can you dedicate "Hey Mickey" to Aeryn?"


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 19:47:43 UTC
"I be takin' no responsibility whatsoever fer this next request," Barbossa said. "This be 'Hey Mickey,' goin' out t' Aeryn. Thar be a video that be goin' wit' this about cheerleadin'. I be a big fan o' wenches in small skirts, o' course, but I be in no way includin' Aeryn in that because I be likin' me head where it be. On me head and attached and such."

He pressed play.


Re: Make a song request willbedone May 25 2006, 19:46:49 UTC
A female voice, slightly muffled as though she'd covered her phone with a hankerchef or possibly part of her sleeve, called in.

"Um, hi? I need help with a song dedication?"


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 19:48:44 UTC
"O' course," Barbossa said. "How can I be helpin' ye, wench? Or matey-wit'-a-high-voice, as the case may be?"


Re: Make a song request willbedone May 25 2006, 19:51:03 UTC
"No, I'm definitely a wench," she said. "I mean hey! Rude names! Um - yes. Right. Song dedication. I - I need something that says 'I know you just found out about your soul mate but trying to track him down and date him might be the worst thing you ever do, even if he is kind of cute in that stoic, broody fashion. Or - or the best thing because boy is he in love with you. But seriously either way it'd be a bad idea for there to be touching.' Do you have a song for that?"


Re: Make a song request likeguidelines May 25 2006, 20:03:42 UTC
Barbossa thought about it. "Mayhaps When Ye Close Yer Eyes by Night Ranger? It be pretty ridiculously sappy terrible sad. Or Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division?" Barbossa laughed. "Or me personal favorite, Love Bites by the great Def Leppard."


Re: Make a song request willbedone May 25 2006, 20:05:06 UTC
"Ooh! Def Leppard! Yes! Go with that one!" she said, so excited she nearly uncovered the phone. "And - um. It's to... Muffy? The... Um...pire... Layer?"


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