Not far from the dorms, Fandom, Saturday Morning

Apr 22, 2017 17:07

Jaime had not been expecting a phone call this morning. Certainly not from some kid who was trying to sound calm but obviously more than a little panicked. And Momoko and Jaime's budget had not been expecting emergency portal bookings, either.

But after ten or fifteen minutes on the phone to calm down his caller, Jaime and Momoko had packed a couple of bags, booked a last-minute portal, and headed to Fandom. "Didn't have enough time to get all the details," he was saying, trying to sound calm himself as he and Momoko headed for the spot the kid who'd called had said they should meet up. "But something was definitely up. The way he talked sounded... I don't know. Off, I guess."

[ooc: For, you know, the girlfriend and the kids, but open if anyone wants to run into them.]

jaime reyes

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