The Magic Box, Wednesday

Apr 19, 2017 14:25

Jenkins was hard at work today, carefully charting out what he remembered from Monday's adventure into the underreaches of the island, and comparing them to his diagrams of the Library's most recent layout.

"Ah, Mr. Carson. Glad I caught you." He clamped the phone's receiver between his cheek and his shoulder as he held the two diagrams up next to each other. "My weekend was perfectly fine, sir, yours? . . . Well yes, that does happen sometimes when you're in the Himalayas. I presume Ms. Cillian managed to keep all her toes? . . . Excellent. That's not why I've called. What would you think of the Library acquiring a Hall of Disco? . . . Disco. No, like the music style. . . . Mirrored ball, light up floor? . . . No, purely to liven things - you know, I had no idea Netflix had such a show. I only ever watch that lovely baking thing - right, of course. No, nothing else. Merely checking. . . . And you as well, sir! Thank you." He hung up. "Philistine."

Ray probably would have loved a disco ball in the Hall of Doors.


jenkins, magic box

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