The Park, Saturday Morning

Apr 15, 2017 20:21

The scenery had changed. Cassandra suspected evil magic, but that ran rampant on this island as it was. That was not a surprise, and so in the morning, she went outside for her usual morning run.

She ran through the streets, towards the park, lost in thoughts for the day. The possibility something could go terribly wrong because of this new... whatever it was. The risks surrounding Anders. Various other foibles and stories she had heard on radio recently, and--


The giant rabbit's foot came crashing down into the grass in front of her.

"What in Andraste's--"

She fell silent, looking up - up, up, way up - across fur and teeth and whiskers. "Maker," she whispered.

She drew her sword.

The beast tensed.

She tensed.

The beast-- pushed off, leaping over her, soaring overhead until it landed majestically - if one could use such a word - on the other side of the park. "...Maker," Cassandra said, "As if this island could not get any more bloody stupid."

[[ open! ]]

cassandra pentaghast, park

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