The Perk, Thursday Afternoon

Apr 13, 2017 12:42

There were nine different colleges and universities in the city of Baltimore, and several more in the surrounding county. Kathy had gone to the Baltimore Public Library that afternoon and gotten brochures for all of them, bringing them back to the island to browse through. She didn't know if she was actually going to go to one of these colleges. ( Read more... )

dante, katherine hana li, perk

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rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 16:51:59 UTC
Dante came to the Perk not on a quest for coffee, but for something entirely more important: the daily special.

This was so important that he walked into the Perk without even realizing Kathy was there, marching up to the counter with a - "I want a Strawberry White Hot Chocolate."

"What si--"

"Largest you've got." Beat. "Make it two."

He could afford it now, after all.


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 17:07:25 UTC
There was no missing him, however. Kathy looked up at his voice, then quickly back down to her brochures, wishing her damned blush would go away. This was stupid. Everything was stupid. Maybe she could just sit here quietly and he wouldn't notice her...?

Wait, no. That was stupid, too. She wasn't the tiny high school sophomore who tried to hide at every given opportunity. Sitting up straighter, she squared her shoulders and called, "Make it three, actually. Though I'll pay for my own, of course."


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 17:10:09 UTC
... It was a good thing Dante was still facing the barista. Kathy couldn't see his Oh crap face like that.

"Better do what she asks," he said.

To the barista, who was making a 'WTF dude' face of her own. Traitor. (With an awesome pixie cut.)


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 17:15:54 UTC
Wasn't it? Kathy had complimented her one it earlier. Which might have been why her return expression was so eloquent.

Still, Kathy made no move to go join Dante at the counter or initiate more conversation. Ball was in his court now, he could figure out what came next. She had some very important...circling to do. Yes. Of Loyola's sewage management courses apparently.


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 17:56:19 UTC
Dante waited until the barista was done. He picked up his two drinks, then hesitated.

With a sigh, he picked up the third and walked to Kathy's table, where he set it down. Silently.


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 18:00:56 UTC
"Thanks," Kathy said, looking up at him with an inscrutable expression. Neither her real emotions nor her usual fake-smiling mask, just a hint of guardedness and nothing else. "How much do I owe you?"


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 18:26:35 UTC
"It's on me," Dante said. He pulled his hand away from the table and straightened. He looked over to another table...

...and resumed walking. That way.

Several days and he still didn't know what to say to her.


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 19:00:18 UTC
Well, she could tell him that wasn't it.

She blinked at him as he walked away, a dull flush spreading down her neck. This one, though, was angry, not embarrassed. She waited until he sat, then stood up, her walk more of an angry stalk between the tables. With a glance at the board to see how much the drink was, she slapped a bill onto the table next to him. It was a twenty, but that was all she had. "No thank you," she said with a quiet intensity. "If there's no reason to talk to me, there's no reason to buy me drinks."

And then she spun on her heel to stride back over to her table.


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 19:10:18 UTC
Having sat down, Dante found himself staring at the twenty on the table. He stared at it maybe longer than was strictly necessary.

Finally he sighed, grabbing the bill so roughly it crumpled in his hand. He got up, crossing the distance to Kathy's table and put it back down.

"I don't know what to say to you."


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 19:33:36 UTC
She didn't reach for it, letting it lie there between them

"I've had that problem practically since I came back," she said, unaware of the way the front page of the brochure was crinkling beneath her curling fingers. "But I didn't let that stop me."


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 19:50:42 UTC
Dante repressed an audible noise of frustration. Part of him wanted to get angry at her tone, her posture, the position she'd put him in, but it was an anger he couldn't find a shape for.

"You don't really want me to say anything," he said. "'Cause everything I could say comes down to 'I can't be what you want me to be'." A pause. "And that woulda been the same if you'd assumed different about what I was last year."


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 19:58:55 UTC
"When did I give you the idea that I expected anything else from you?" Kathy snorted. "I said I was jealous, not stupid. I don't even know if we're on firm enough footing to be called friends yet, and you think I'm doodling your name in my notebook? If I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of anything happening, I would have tried for it last year, not now."

This was why she'd kept walking on Saturday, to try to avoid the 'I'm just not that into you' speech she really hadn't needed.


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 20:00:42 UTC
"You didn't," Dante snapped. "Which is why I didn't know what to fucking say. I don't wanna say it, you don't wanna hear it, but the only way not to is to pretend like it never happened and that's not fair either."


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 20:11:02 UTC
"Why not?" Kathy demanded. "We both know where we stand! Nothing needs to be said! Fuck, the only reason I brought it up was because I'd rather deal with a little embarrassment than have you believe I barely cared about you!"

She snatched at her hot chocolate and gulped it down, searing her mouth and not even caring.

"Will it help?" she asked when she set it down. "Will saying that to me get if off your chest or whatever? Cause, fine. If it'll stop us from being this fucking stupid, then fine. Say what you need to."

She hadn't come this far just to lose out to that.


rebelseekspizza April 13 2017, 20:15:42 UTC
"I didn't know," Dante said irritably, and her antics made him realize his own hot chocolates were cooling down on the table behind him. "I didn't think you didn't care, before! I just figured you weren't into me like that and that was good, I wouldn't have slept with you otherwise, I don't wanna be anybody's fucking boyfriend!"


spin_kick_snap April 13 2017, 20:28:31 UTC
"And I never asked," Kathy said. "I wouldn't have asked! I told you that! Anytime I started thinking that way, I shut it down just so I wouldn't hope for it or ruin what we had! I said it would have been easy to let that happen--but I didn't let it."

She glared down at the table and made herself draw in several long, deep breaths. And when she let the last one out, she was able to talk more evenly again.

"I realized early on that I was happy with what we had, a lot more than I'd ever be if I tried to push for something more. The value of your friendship was enough for me that as great as it might have been to get more, it wasn't ever something I looked for. And I haven't changed my mind yet."


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