The Boards, Sunday Afternoon

Apr 02, 2017 12:58

So, Jono was still in a decent mood today. He still had a face, so sue him. It was still not his face, but it wasn't like this was even the first time that was the case. Or the first wrong face, for that matter. And this one, at least, he could chalk up to Fandom weirdness and be reasonably certain he'd return to normal by tomorrow. Better to just enjoy what he had while he had it.

Which was why he was at the Boards today, in case any of the band decided they were feeling up for practice, with food set out for snacking on - mostly fresh fruit this time around, because if there was going to be snacking it was going to be something he liked - and Jonothon noodling away on a shiny red and black electric bass while he waited to see if people were going to show.

And you had better believe he was singing his own accompaniment today whenever the song he was playing called for vocals, too. The voice might not be his, but that didn't mean he didn't know how to use it.

It was going to be a fairly laid-back day at rehearsal today, unless anybody had anything in particular they wanted to do.

[OOC: Stop by and play! Flying without OCD today, might as well just frolic. Musically. Musical frolicking.]

boards, jonothon evan starsmore, hannibal lecter

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