The Boards, Sunday Afternoon

Mar 19, 2017 13:48

Well, Jono had auditioned people for the band last weekend. He supposed at the very least, he could open the Boards today for people to discuss what in the world they were going to do with the band, today.

He didn't have the heart to turn anyone away. They were all talented. Or, if not talented... ah... enthusiastic. So he'd left handwavy messages for everyone who had auditioned, telling them that they were in if they wanted to be, and they were welcome to join him at the Boards today to discuss where to go from here. And then he'd ordered pizza, because if having a band (sort of) wasn't an occasion to order pizza, he didn't know what was.

Hell, he'd even brought his bass guitar along. Just in case talking today wrapped up quickly and people wanted to play something.

Shit, it seemed like maybe they could actually pull this off. That was... it was nice.

[OOC: Open! Feel free to stop on by, even if you didn't try out for the band. There's pizza.]

boards, jonothon evan starsmore

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