Demon Marcus, Sunday

Mar 19, 2017 10:31

Sparkle wasn't entirely certain what the draw was when it came to bubble popping games for mobile devices. He had like three of them on his phone, himself. One of them had Snoopy trying to rescue little Woodstocks, even! And he played them in his spare time whenever he was feeling too lazy to cook or clean or do his nails or whatever.

So when he set foot in Demon Marcus today to find that all of the stock had been sorted away into colourful bubbles which were stuck up on the ceiling, he realized, this was his moment to shine. Probably. He seemed to have a limited number of matching bubbles down on the floor beside him, so maybe he'd have to hold off on actually popping anything until a customer came in looking for something in particular.

Anyway, it took him three tries to rescue the cash register with a matching green bubble. Aiming was way easier in the phone games, and he'd never been good at, like, basketball.

[OOC: Guess how I spent my morning! Open, flying without OCD.]

sparkle, pixie dust

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