The Boards, Thursday

Mar 09, 2017 10:35

Just do the thing. Raven had told him to just go do the thing, instead of sitting and fretting over how it would work, or even if it would work. And he'd sat on that for the better part of a week, and now here Jonothon was, at the Boards, making posters to put up around town.

Just doing the thing. He wasn't even certain to what end he was doing it, but to hell with it, it was something he'd wanted to put together since he was a student on this bloody island, and the school didn't seem to do clubs these days anyway, so why the hell not?

Posters. To just do the thing.

Try Out For the Band!
Do you sing or play an instrument?
Do you not, but you'd like to learn?
Looking for a group of people to play with?
Need rehearsal space?
Then join us at The Boards
Sunday Afternoon
All skill levels and musical styles welcome!

No, he hadn't really given thought as to what he'd do if he managed to successfully assemble a band of any persuasion. He figured he'd kind of just wait and see who showed up and what they wanted to do, and go from there. Best case scenario, maybe they'd do a gig or two. Or, hell, actually put that recording studio in the basement to use for the first time since... ever.

He took a walk around town sometime around noon to hang the posters, and then returned to the Boards to spend the rest of his day playing guitar in the lobby, mostly to keep from freaking out about it. Just do the thing. There you go, Raven. Jono was bad at spontaneity when it was something he wanted to do for his own enjoyment, but he was giving it a go. Just this once.

[OOC: Open!]

boards, jonothon evan starsmore, dante

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