Feb 28, 2017 10:41
"Hey JARVIS," Jessica said on her way in to her first day of work since getting back to Fandom. "Tony said there are some specialty jacket designs we can work on. Let's see how toyetic this can get."
She pulled up the files and was not disappointed. The aquatic jacket had a built-in oxygen tank, rebreather, and attachable water cannon. One labeled "Arctic Assault" was a lighter shade of red that wouldn't exactly help her blend into the snow (her black bodysuit would have spoiled that anyway), but it got the point across. Stealth was just a black jacket. Point taken.
But the real winner was immediately obvious. "JARVIS, tell me more about 'Space Jacket.'"
[OOC: Part of why I refocused on playing now when I'm going to be crazy busy at work for the next month is that Zoey Deutch has a movie on Netflix where she's interning at a General Science Lab of some sort. I have science icons. They must be used for Stark's posts. Also I am busy at work so SP.]
jessica drew