The Park, Monday Afternoon

Feb 27, 2017 17:02

Okay. Kanan was dealing with the events of last week about as well as he'd ever dealt with anything, which mostly meant not thinking about it for as long as he could possibly manage, punctuated by drinking, flirting, and going out of his way to find distractions wherever they might be. But he had yet to let himself have time to actually process what had happened, and while Hera was not only a great houseguest, but also one that had some idea of where he had come from, the idea of him just setting down to meditate in the middle of the living room floor made him uneasy. Nothing against Hera in particular, of course. It was just that Kanan had spent several years cultivating a healthy paranoia when it came to doing anything that might be construed as even remotely Jedi, and it wasn't going to go away that easily.

That said, taking the dog for a walk and pausing for a quiet sit on a bench in the park? He could totally do that. Anyone passing by would probably just think he'd fallen asleep there, watching Stance playing with the ducks.

And absolutely not meditating, quietly prodding at his connection with the Force. Not even a little bit.

[OOC: Open park!]

kanan jarrus, hera syndulla, park

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