Furnado Animal Shelter, Tuesday

Feb 14, 2017 08:27

If there was one important thing that Zack had learned all week, it was that puppies loved holidays. Any holidays. All holidays. And today? Today just so happened to be a holiday. Not a holiday where he was from, no, and even if it had been it would be... complicated... this year. But on Earth? Totally a holiday. So Zack was putting a sign out in the window.

It's Valentine's Day!
Come on in and play with a puppy!
Cuddle a kitten!
Frolic with a ferret!
Bounce with a bird!
Or do whatever it is people do with goldfish.
Animals love affection too!

Anybody coming into the shelter today would probably notice Zack wrestling on the floor with a husky who didn't take well to being cooped up all the time, and a small horde of kittens in a playpen all tearing after a handful of catnip mice that Zack had thrown to them earlier.

Yeah, taking over the animal shelter had been a good move.

everything but the monkey, ino yamanaka, zack fair

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