The Perk, Thursday afternoon

Feb 09, 2017 14:09

Jenkins' first week in Fandom was going rather well, he felt. His conversations with the townspeople so far had ranged from only-mildly-irritating to actually-rather-interesting, and he'd gotten in an entire day of lab work yesterday without any interruptions whatsoever. He might even find his way eventually to liking it here ( Read more... )

jenkins, tony stark, perk

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imafuturist February 9 2017, 23:20:03 UTC
Post-class caffeination was what Tony needed. You know you have a problem when the baristas were already preparing one of the largest to-go cups they had before you even got in the building.

Once the sweet, sweet nectar of life was in his hands, Tony turned to look at the other customer in the shop. "New in town?"


livingartifact February 9 2017, 23:24:40 UTC
"What remarkable powers of observation you possess," Jenkins said. "To recognize a new face in such a sea of people."


imafuturist February 9 2017, 23:29:07 UTC
Tony raised his eyebrows, sipping his coffee before responding to that. "It's almost as though you moved to a small town."


livingartifact February 9 2017, 23:32:14 UTC
"Extraordinarily so," Jenkins agreed. "I am afraid the squirrels beat you to both these observations though."


imafuturist February 9 2017, 23:34:49 UTC
"Damn, there goes my winning the 'new person bingo' game. I'll never get the square I need," Tony replied dryly.


livingartifact February 9 2017, 23:37:50 UTC
"Now, now. If you persevere, I'm certain you could beat the little buggers eventually."


imafuturist February 9 2017, 23:40:41 UTC
Honestly, he should have won by being the third version of... himself, but noooo. There had to be more versions of Batman and Spider-Man out there instead.

"I'll hold out hope," Tony assured him. "Tony Stark. Teacher up at the school and owner of Stark Industries."

He helpfully pointed in the vague direction of the shop in relation to the Perk.


livingartifact February 9 2017, 23:45:43 UTC
Jenkins obliged by looking off in that vague direction and nodding his head. "Jenkins. Startled proprietor of the local 'Magic Box'." It was always a good sign when you put finger quotes around the name of your own store. "May I ask what it is you teach?"


imafuturist February 9 2017, 23:49:56 UTC
Well, it certainly made Tony like him. Because screw magic, science all the way!

"Nice to meet you, Jenkins," he replied. "This semester it's civics."


livingartifact February 9 2017, 23:57:42 UTC
Or, you know, you could work with both magic and science with equal fascination.

Admittedly, it was easier to double specialize when you were over 1,000 years old and not likely to die even when your experiments blew up.

"This semester? Does the school not have you focus on a particular area of expertise?"


imafuturist February 9 2017, 23:59:40 UTC
Don't you take this from him. Science for the win.

"It's a bit of an... eclectic school," Tony replied with a grin. "Last semester was debate."


livingartifact February 10 2017, 00:02:46 UTC
That was certainly one word for it.

"The students must do marvelously in standardized tests."


imafuturist February 10 2017, 00:04:16 UTC
"Of course," Tony agreed.

How anyone got into college was a mystery.


livingartifact February 10 2017, 00:09:48 UTC
Sheer determination. And probably magical cheating.

Which was occasionally how they did it in Jenkins' world too.

"I admit, I'm rather impressed by teachers, generally. I haven't the temperament." That was an understatement. According to Baird, his two speeds were 'annoying' and 'cryptic'.


imafuturist February 10 2017, 00:17:58 UTC
"It's fun," Tony replied. "An education is one of the most important things a child can get. Well. A good education is."


livingartifact February 10 2017, 00:22:38 UTC
"And you never find yourself just wanting to . . ." Jenkins trailed off, finishing his sentence by making an impressive squelching noise and closing his hand into a fist.


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