In the Streets and Skies of Fandom, Saturday Evening

Dec 10, 2016 19:29

The first team had headed out early to find their target, but it was a while before they found him.

But in the end... they found him.

Steve Rogers
Steve, in full Captain America regalia complete with a shield that the non-insane Tony had modified with a few tricks, planted his feet, focused his full attention on this Tony, and pronounced in his very best "I'm disappointed in you" tone: "Stark. Time to stop now. Power down."

He didn't think it had a chance in hell of working, but he had to try first, right?

Let's Call Him Iron Monster
It really was precious of him to try! Maybe if there was a smidgen more humanity left in him, it would have worked.

What was left of Tony landed a few yards from the group in as dramatic a fashion as he liked. Because you could take the soul of of a guy, but you couldn't take the drama out of him. There was a rasping sort of noise echoing inside the armor in response to all that righteousness.

Heeeeey, guys. Hey.

Clint Barton
Clint was also all uniformed up, with a quiver full of arrows that non-metal Tony had fixed up for him. Apparently, nothing brought Fandom's Avengers together quite like taking out an alternate version of one of them.

"Come on, Tony. You don't want this to get ugly." Cap would end up pouting and everything!

Ahsoka Tano
Ahsoka hadn't let any Tony near her lightsabers because that was how Death Stars happened. "I think it's a bit late to avoid that."

Way harsh, Ahsoka.

Peter Octavian
Peter, sword in one hand and gun in the other, glanced over at Clint and Steve. "You two know him best. Where do we start?"

Other than being disapproving, because he had his doubts that would work.

Iron Monster
Tony made a noise that could possibly be a sigh. It was long and rattling inside the armor as he shifted to turn his head toward each of them as they spoke.

Only then did the center of his chest blink open with a glowing blue eye and the sigh turned into a hum like nails on a chalkboard. The glow and hum increased in pitch and intensity before that totally normal eye blasted out a version of the unibeam where the group stood.

Because it totally had been way harsh, Ahsoka. If Tony had been alive, there would have even been a Clueless joke in there, but alas.

"Get down!" Steve shouted, raising his shield with the absolute faith that it could repel the blast.

Clint's instincts had him ducking down by Steve to try to avoid the blast, and grabbing at Ahsoka to try to get her out of harm's way as well. Sorry Peter, but students came first.

While that was a nice, albeit condescending and liable to result in reflexive dismemberment if he'd actually managed to grab her unexpectedly, idea, Ahsoka hadn't spent two years on the front lines without learning to recognise a clanker charging weapons, and her instincts had her leaping to the side the second that eye appeared, the Force pushing her further and faster than her muscles alone could have managed.

She rolled upright as she landed, lightsabers lit and in a guard position.

Peter would be one of the first to agree; it never occurred to him it should be any other way.

He raised his sword, and with it a shield of his own, a purple bubble of magic around them all that would hopefully scatter the energy. He might not have managed as much as his counterpart yet, but he could do that much.

Steve, ricocheting past her behind his shield like a giant patriotic hedgehog thanks to Tony's laser fire, glanced at her...glowy swords. "Did anyone pack a gun?" he asked. Because going against a super-powered Tony Stark with swords, arrows and shields seemed...challenging.

"Not me. Didn't think bullets would be helpful," Clint said. "I've got all kinds of arrows though, if we want a distraction for someone else to maybe get a good shot."

Peter held out his gun in answer. "If you're a good shot, take it."

He had other weapons, after all.

"I'm good at distractions, too."

Eyes shut against the glare of the beam, Ahsoka extended her senses into the Force, trusting it on which way to go next. "I left my blaster in the other reality!"

Iron Monster
Hey now, that was rude of you all. He was just doing what you do. You know. Ruthlessly defending an area and attacking all who dared come near it.

No big.

The unibeam cut off as the eye blinked shut and he shot up into the sky with slightly less blinding lights from his heels. To mostly disappear into the fog and clouds above save for the occasional flash of light that sent blast after blast of energy raining down on them indiscriminately.

"Oh, that's just cheating," Steve grumbled. "Clint, you still have eyes on him?"

He had absolute faith in Clint's eyes.

"Yes, yes I do," Clint said, tightening his hold on Peter's gun. He glanced up and followed the flashes of light, tracking Tony's flight just long enough to count, and then fired straight for the unibeam.

Iron Monster
There was a shriek of rage and pain from up above them before a blur of red came back down to crack the ground where he landed.

Yeah, still pretty dramatic.

He put his hand to where the eye in his chest was bleeding sluggishly looking at the blood on his fingers before there was another one of those bellowing noises coming from inside the armor, louder than anything human should be capable of.

Only then was he stalking toward Clint to end the obnoxious little man. Hope you enjoyed a lil' asphyxiation!

Track This
Ahsoka had been very busy deflecting blasts with her lightsabers, which had been..let's go with fun. The absence of them would have been reassuring, if it hadn't been accompanied by that noise. Though at least it made Tony easy to find.

Oh, stang. Lowering her sabers, she started running towards Tony, her steps quick, light and silent.

If this had been the older her, she would have been having Malachor flashbacks about now.

The blasts had given Peter an idea, and he called up enough magic to fire back some yellow-green blasts of his own.

He hadn't had much practice with this yet, and they were unlikely to do much more than sting a bit, but all he had to be was a distraction.

He took a moment between magic blasts, and his shape flowed for a moment as he made himself half again as big and just a bit shiny. Distractions he could do.

Steve, carefully making sure he didn't give away Ahsoka's move, raced over to Tony and Clint, clenched his jaw and then hit Tony as hard as he could in the helmet with the electro-magnetized shield the non-insane Tony had calibrated for him.

"Sorry, Stark," he muttered.

Clint would have shared a similar sentiment to Steve if he could breathe at the moment. Still, he managed to squirm enough in Tony's grip to grab one of the arrows the other Tony had designed for him, and jab it upwards towards the bullet wound he'd made.

Iron Monster
The strange energy hitting him had been an annoyance. The electroshock, coupled with the impact of a vibranium shield to the head was enough to make him hiss and jerk in place, but not drop his hold on Clint just yet.

Oh no, not until he got another shock from the arrow jammed into his chest. You rude little man, you.

Tony dropped his hold, both hands occupied with ripping the arrow out as he stumbled back a step.

Sadly, Clint wasn't the only rude one, as Ahsoka didn't even do Tony the courtesy of warning him before driving her main lightsaber up and into his back.


Just to add insult to massive internal injuries, Steve smacked Tony in the head again with the shield, wincing a bit as he did. "Sorry, Stark," he said. "Stay down."

Iron Monster
Okay, uncool of them. Thoroughly uncool.

There was a choking noise from within the armor, cut off only by the shield to the head. And then, with one last twitch, he slumped around the lightsaber where it emerged from his chest.

The shining white blade disappeared from Tony's chest as Ahsoka switched her lightsaber off.

Somewhere on the island, Anakin felt so proud right now.

[[ boss fight 1 of 2 for today! <3 goes to heroic_jawline, imafuturist, so_hawkward, 2_old_for_this and snipsnspecks; open to reactions from the four fighters involved in the comments. ]]

ahsoka tano, steve rogers, tony stark, clint barton, around the island, peter octavian

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