Woods Around the Preserve, All Day

Dec 07, 2016 14:00

Anyone hiking through this patch of woods throughout the day would notice something distinctly...odd. Normally, it was a simple stand of trees surrounding what appeared to be a small cave, bare for the winter, but otherwise unremarkable. Sometimes, though, there would be a moment and things would...shift. A flicker, a blink, and for the barest instant, the trees would seem darker, the air colder, the cave a little more foreboding. From time to time, there'd be a soft skittering noise from inside the cave and, when the light caught the trees just right, long strands of white could be seen tangling around the trees.

Usually, the illusion spells around her lair gave off feelings of warmth and comfort, exuded a sense of welcome or a spate of curiosity, like something exciting could be found within if one bothered to look. Right now, however, reality flickered in and out too quickly for the illusions to take. They'd come back, though, once this reality had bled into the new one and cemented its hold. Most of the residents were wary enough not to trust anything that seemed so friendly, but there were always a few idiots who were naive enough to fall for it. And in a new world, well, who knew what delightful creatures would come exploring through and discover her home?

Come into her parlor, little flies. Karla would be ever so happy to see you.

[Mostly establishy, but if people want to ping in during one of the longer reality blinks, that's cool, too!]

karla, raven, preserve

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