The Park, Monday Afternoon

Oct 10, 2016 09:28

Sparkle hadn't said anything, mostly because Canadian Thanksgiving was a stupid holiday that he'd never really had with anybody worth having it with, but... that was today. Which he figured wouldn't be a big deal. After all, he was in America now, and he'd have plenty of time to make up for the whole 'eat Turkey until coma mode hits' thing in something like a month anyway, right?

But so help him, everything was quiet, nobody he really knew was left on the island today, and he was feeling homesick. Again. Which was stupid, because he'd had about as many homes as Thanksgivings, and the vast, vast majority of them had been seriously disappointing. But hey, at least he was pet-sitting for Dr. Lecter and Prof. Starsmore, which meant that he could take full advantage of that by kidnapping the little black and white cat and bringing her to the park, where he was going to feel slightly guilty for eating a store-bought turkey sandwich in the company of a bunch of ducks. But only slightly.

"So, Joni," he drawled, tearing off a piece of meat for the cat in his lap and a few crumbs of bread for the gathering ducks, "I don't know about you? But I'm thankful for..."

He considered for a moment.

"Hair gel. Sure."

[OOC: Holidaaaaays. I have the day off, so I'm around. Flipside, I'll be slow to ping because turkey. Open anyway!]

sparkle, ino yamanaka, park

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