Book Haven, Friday

Sep 09, 2016 11:47

Perhaps it was because he was still mildly irritated by the seeming lack of purpose to yesterday's Ethic's class, but Rufus actually bothered to show up for work today, since it was one of a few things that he'd taken a step back for.

Not that it was a hard job, between keeping track of orders coming in and putting new books on the shelves, but he did it. He still disagreed that having a job at a school age counted as a negative thing, in any case.

And it gave him something to do while trying to figure out why the teachers had bothered reminding the poor and under-privileged that they were poor and under-privileged when they had no point for doing so and no intentions to use the anger generated as a goad for getting something done. As a casual cruelty it was needless; it wasn't like the poor and under-privileged didn't know what they were already.

It was just so sloppy, what they'd done.

Book Haven is Open.

book haven, rufus shinra

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