Around The Island, Early Friday morning

Aug 05, 2016 04:48

While the bright colours and gentle creatures had been a welcome respite from the last two stops, it was once again time for Fandom to move on.

This time, it found itself nestled next to a large building, itself the size of a small city and several stories high. Sensing that the sunlight wasn't exactly of the kind that was healthy for her residents, Fandom had been about to activate that protective bubble again before a shimmer of wizardry emanated from the large building and worked to extend the island. It seemed this world already had an accomodation in place for such an eventuality. Which might seem odd, but then, this was a planet whose main industry was driven by things only wizardry could accomplish. They were used to odd.

The industry in question was, of course, worldgating. The large building was home to the Crossings Intercontinual Worldgating Facility. Wherever you needed to go, a friendly Rirhait would be happy to direct you to the appropriate worldgate. Or perhaps you just wanted to explore the Crossings itself, with it's multitude of shops and restaurants (try the blue food cubes!), not to mention that stunning Lilene architecture.

Sparsely populated as it was, the planet's skyline during the day wasn't much to write home about, but nighttime was something else entirely. Nearly all the other stars in the cluster were short-term variables, some with lifespans as short as hours or even minutes. The view was one of the main reasons for the implementation of the elective ceiling that now covered Fandom, because why should visitors to the Crossings be deprived of such a view?

Welcome, everyone, to Rirhath B!

around the island

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