Stark Industries, Tuesday

Jul 05, 2016 12:52

Jessica was a little anxious about tonight, so she threw herself into her work completely, building new very sciencey methods of sciencing her blood samples. The results were science but inconclusive, although she did learn more about the science of the science than she had through previous science.

In conclusion, science. And she was pretty sure that the OZ formula in her blood wasn't going to drive her Osborn levels of insane. Fortunately, she had enough science and theory to suggest that he was the anomaly, driven mad by his unfortunate brain chemistry, his even more unfortunate sheer evilness to begin with, and the fact that he used himself as the genetic template for his abilities rather than going with something that wasn't super evil and needed actual medical help beforehand.

That was a load off her shoulders.

sparkys, jessica drew

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