The island had seen the cycle of universe's end six times now. It was starting to get a little unnerved by the process. It needed something... nicer. Sweeter. Less likely to give anyone alcohol poisoning.
So it was that, on Friday morning and without fanfare - its thunder stolen by the impressive explosions outside the Restaurant's dome - the island simply blinked away. It reappeared with equal lack of fuss, hovering in the sky above a large planet, part-green, part-grey. It stayed there for a few moments, before drifting neatly downwards, nestling itself neatly in a small lake in the middle of an enormous forest.
It seemed unaware of the large conglomeration of nervous, bipedal forest creatures that assembled underneath its shadow before it settled-- creatures who were now eyeing the island with confusion from across the lake.
Welcome to
Mobius, Fandom. Don't upset the locals.
[[ wait for minor ocd up! ]]