Demon Marcus, Sunday

May 22, 2016 09:17

Sparkle didn't wanna.

He just... didn't, okay? It was his birthday. He was turning twenty. And the past year had been a shitty year. He'd lost a home, basically skipped out on his entire reality so that he wouldn't have to face the music and go to court, his heart had been broken, one of his friends was dead, and now his best-friend-slash-roomie was missing-presumed-not-dead-yet-fucking-hell-Atton. Sure, there were good things about the past year too. He'd met Leto, for one. Moved in with said best-friend-slash-roomie for another. But overall, on the big old scale of good versus shitty, Sparkle would be perfectly happy to not repeat that particular year of his life ever again.

He wasn't doing much at work today. Just sitting up on the counter lighting sparklers one by one and watching them burn out. Fuck it, he didn't care.

[OOC: Open!]

hannibal lecter, sparkle, aino minako, atton rand, pixie dust, leto atreides

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