Space- Sunday afternoon

Apr 24, 2016 09:54

The ship above Earth hadn't moved. The Brood inside were just waiting for the embryos to hatch and take over the humans so that they could reclaim them and at the very least build up some of their numbers again. There was still plenty of damage they could do.

All they had to do was wait.

When Fandom's ships had gotten closer to the mothership, Jaina spotted a hatch opening, and a moment later Brood ships had started pouring out of it.

"Get ready, everybody," she said over the comm channel. "We're getting company."

Anakin was maybe a little too excited to be getting to fly an X-Wing today.

Shhh, he'd missed being in battle just a bit.

"This is where the fun begins," he said, grinning.

"No one ever believes me when I tell them Anakin Skywalker is a giant karking nerd," Cade bitched, aiming the Mynock towards a group of ships and firing.

"Cut the chatter, Mynock," Ben scolded, moving his modified freighter into place and letting loose with way more firepower than something that looked like a space minivan should possess.

Luke would take a minute and wonder about just how violent Ben's childhood had been to make him think that kind of firepower was required, but he was a little busy with the Brood at the moment.

"I could use some back-up on my six," he called out, swinging out close to Atton's ship.

"Just how many Skywalkers do we have on this line?" Atton asked, punching the Hawk's brake so it slowed abruptly, winding up right behind Luke's tail. (He was somewhat mollified by the thought he had the best ship of the lot.) "Just asking so I know to get out of the way whenever someone starts showboating, or it starts raining limbs or something."

"Not really wise to insult people who might be saving your tail later," Jaina pointed out. "There's a little cluster over there to take out."

Brood: great at killing things! Less so at flying things and formations and stuff.

"Wow, their formations are really terrible," Anakin said, spinning off to take out a cluster on his own like the glory hungry snubjockey Obi-Wan always accused him of being.

"Yeah, I'm sure they really care," Cade said. "And there are...five of us. And a Solo who married a Fel. You can't really be shocked we're the ones crazy enough to be up here."

"It's been years since I've been in a good space battle," Ben said a little gleefully. "It's fun!"

"I really worry about all of you," Luke muttered. "Do we have plan eventually for the big one? Is there a shaft we fly down and blow up?"

That's how it worked where he came from.

"Weak points on the underside. We hit those enough, we'll take out the ship," Jaina told them.

"Okay, one, at least one of you needs to lighten up," Atton said, an evident sigh in his voice. The Hawk dipped even lower, then dove straight up, and-- "Two, I think I spot 'em. You know, is it just me, or do the giant starship architects of the universe just have a real hard time figuring out the importance of overall structural integrity? Does anyone ever get fired for this kind of poodoo?"

Atton Rand: asking the real questions.

"No one ever gets fired," Anakin said wearily, spinning and taking out a smaller Brood ship. "Someone'll get executed, but then they just make the next one bigger. Idiots."

"I'd say he's exaggerating, but...yeah, he's not," Ben said sheepishly.

"Always about size with these losers," Cade said, snickering.

At least one Skywalker wasn't taking this too seriously.

"Well, you don't try to take stuff over because you think small," Luke commented.

Jaina sighed heavily into her comm once she saw the closest ship to her was shooting.

"Can we save the wonderings about murderous aliens losing their jobs for a time when they're not firing on us?"

"Lighten up!"

That particular bit of advice sounded a lot less convincing when it was yelled and had a sudden pound of stress behind it, as Atton had to dodge an incoming fighter rapidly, sending the Hawk spinning before it flipped right back over and he could open fire on the stupid-- [microphone feedback]

Anakin was there to mop up any of the [microphone feedback] that made it out of the range of the Hawk's guns.

"They really don't want us getting too close," he said. "It's starting to become annoying."

"I'm sure they're completely worried about losing your good opinion," Cade snarked back.

"Haven't you heard? He's Anakin Skywalker," Atton said dryly - and absent-mindedly, as he worked hard to stabilize the Hawk. "Right, I'm back under this thing's belly," he said. "Just need to take out these fighters blocking my way."

"I can help with that," Luke volunteered. "My ship is small."

He tucked in under the Hawk to provide back-up, shooting with Jedi-enhanced skill with just as much accuracy and half the bragging of his father.

"I'll lead some of the others off on a chase," Ben volunteered, swooping in and creating a diversion.

Ender would probably not be best pleased with the way Ben was flying the family home.

"I'll get to work on another target," Jaina said, swooping off to do just that.

And to fire on another Brood ship in her way, because they obviously were not smart enough to know to get out of her way.

[Preplayed with the lovely and amazing suitablyheroic and sith_happened x 4!]

cade, anakin skywalker, atton rand, ben skywalker, luke skywalker, jaina solo

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