The Playground in the Park, Tuesday Afternoon

Dec 22, 2015 12:43

Kathy was eighteen today, now officially an adult with all the important responsibilities that entailed. At least, that was the gist of the lecture she'd gotten from her parents when they called this morning to wish her a happy birthday. But, you know, Kathy didn't really feel like being grown up and responsible today. Maybe it was a leftover glow of happiness from the party yesterday. Maybe it was being woken up by her parents who had disapproved to find that she'd slept in till the outrageous hour of nine am. Or maybe it was all the sugar and caffeine buzzing through her system from the free peppermint macchiato The Perk had given her for her birthday. For whatever reason, Kathy was going to put off maturity and adulthood for another few hours and just appreciate being a kid. Which, right now, meant playing in the snow on playground. There were snow angels to make and snowmen to build and swings to swing on as high as they could go.

It was her birthday and she could play if she wanted to.

dante, raven darkholme, katherine hana li, park, tali'zorah nar rayya

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