The Park, Friday Afternoon

Dec 18, 2015 18:32

Jonothon had awoken from a nightmare this morning. That much... that was nothing new. Of course he'd awoken from a nightmare. He rarely slept for the nightmares. That had been a constant for nearly as far back as he could remember, several lifetimes over. It was just... that particular nightmare had seemed all too real, the faces of people that he' ( Read more... )

jonothon evan starsmore, karla, dante, hrothbert of bainbridge (bob), raven darkholme, park

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tigerundercover December 19 2015, 01:25:08 UTC
The grumbling would have reached Jono first, the likely familiar sound of an angry crowd just over the horizon, approaching faster than an angry mob had any right to move.

Then came the girl. Or sometimes boy. Raven sobbed as she ran, her shape fluctuating between her natural blue and any number of disguises she was too freaked out to hold onto. Behind her, the leaders of the mob, carrying flashlights and lamps and even actual torches along with their improvised weapons, approached like horror movie villains, appearing to walk but never losing ground as they chased her.

"You can't fool us anymore, demon!" the man at the front shouted. "We know your tricks!"


furnaceface December 19 2015, 01:29:31 UTC
//What... what in the name of...?//

Jono's eyes went wide when the grumbling gave way into a visual, when the sound of an angry mob presented itself in the form of human bigots, and--

//Raven! Raven, get behind me, luv!//

He was already shooting to his feet, ripping off his wrappings in the same motion. They wanted a demon, Jonothon Starsmore would bloody well show them one.


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 01:34:41 UTC
Raven changed direction so quickly she fell, skidding on the grass and ending up scrambling on all fours for a moment before she shifted into a rabbit and bounded around to sit, trembling, behind Jono.

"Move aside," the mob leader said, too focused on Raven -- and too much a part of Raven's terrified memories -- to notice anything odd about Jono yet. "We will cleanse this earth of evil!"


furnaceface December 19 2015, 01:39:39 UTC
Well... that was... odd. Jono squinted a little, and then shifted his weight a bit, planting himself firmly between Raven and the crowd.

//You'll need to go through me to get to her, mate. I don't see any evil here but the rat-bastards who are chasing a terrified girl around with torches and bloody pitchforks.//

He tensed, looking perfectly ready to pick Raven up himself and bolt if it came down to it.


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 01:46:22 UTC
"He who harbors demons --" intoned the leader.

"Look at his chest, Zeb!" whispered the man just behind him.

"Another demon!" Zeb shouted. "Do not be afraid, brothers, our righteousness shall prevail!"

The mob shouted its assent, raising pipes and bats, ice tongs and crowbars and yes, pitchforks, and charged forward again.

Rabbit!Raven let out a scream and bolted, making it only a few leaps before she lost hold of her form and found herself scrabbling in the grass again.


furnaceface December 19 2015, 01:52:13 UTC
Oh. Oh, well, that was... less than ideal. And Jono wasn't quite over his Weapon X nightmares enough to actually shoot flame at the mob just yet.

He was keeping himself steadily between them and Raven, though, firing those blasts of flame at the weapons they were wielding, one by one, while trying to fend off those who were closest to him. It was a little bit like trying to catch the tide between one's fingers.

//Behind the bench, luv. Take cover, I'll hold them back.//

... He was going to have to swallow that... that, ah, pitchfork. To where the chest would be. Right. That would've been bloody unpleasant if he had a chest, really.


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 01:55:24 UTC
Raven was more than willing to take suggestions, and scrambled behind the bench just in time to see her former teacher take a pitchfork in the chest. She screamed again, and part of the mob split off, headed for her.

"You're not supposed to be here!" she cried. "Fandom's supposed to be safe!"


furnaceface December 19 2015, 01:59:35 UTC
//What she said,// Jono replied, sounding more annoyed than concerned. Oh, the prongs sticking out behind him between what was left of his ribs hurt, certainly. But it wasn't like they were piercing anything vital. Hell, it wasn't even his first time being skewered like this.

It was a bad habit he really needed to kick, honestly.

//So why not listen to the lady,// and now he was sending forth a burst of flame, not at the ones that were attacking him, but twisting around to take on the ones who were going after Raven once again, //and leave before there aren't enough left of you to carry what's left of the other ones away?//

At the end of the day, Jono had very little patience for people who attacked his students.


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 02:20:17 UTC
The burst of flame cut the mob off from Raven effectively -- and made the ones in the front vanish completely -- giving Raven enough room to finally breathe and think for a moment.

This wasn't right. The leader was named Zeb, and they were carrying ice tongs and pitchforks. They had no place in 2015, even in Fandom.

"They're not real," she whispered, and slowly stood up. "You're not real. This happened -- years ago. And -- and I got away. I got away! You -- you can't hurt me. You're not real!"

One of the mob threw a brick at her head and she dove back behind the bench.


furnaceface December 19 2015, 02:23:51 UTC
//They're real enough to throw bricks, at least for the time being,// Jono noted, narrowing his eyebrows. //But not real enough to stick around after a good burst of flame.//

He gave the man holding the pitchfork a good, solid kick right to the groin. That made him let go pretty quickly, at least.

//Say the word and I'll take care of them, luv. They've got no place here, in our home.//


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 02:38:01 UTC
"Yes please," Raven said, still hiding behind the bench.

She was not above leaning on mutants with distance powers.


furnaceface December 19 2015, 02:40:55 UTC
//Right, then.// Jono rolled his shoulders, planted his feet, and...

Well, it was fortunate that the ducks were more or less gone for the winter, and the flamingos were elsewhere at the moment. Because anything in his way that was not Raven was being razed to the ground.

Jono was not above using those distance powers on dangerous people who weren't even real. Not in the least.


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 02:52:58 UTC
Raven peered over the edge of the bench and watched as the mob vanished in the path of Jono's flames. Only when the last one winked out -- along with the brick that had landed a few yards away, did she slowly stand up, eyes still wide.

"Thank you," she said. "That was -- thank you."


furnaceface December 19 2015, 02:56:05 UTC
Jono took a brief moment to look down, to make sure that the pitchfork had vanished as well. It had. The holes had been left behind, but those were really the least of Jono's concerns right about then.

//I know what that was,// he murmured, looking up at her again with concerned eyes. //I've seen a bigot or two in my lifetime. Are you okay, Raven?//


tigerundercover December 19 2015, 02:59:10 UTC
Raven nodded. "I always managed to stay ahead of them. Even when I was little, they never actually --" She rubbed a shaking hand down her face. "I haven't had to deal with anything like that since I met Charles. When I heard them coming I just -- panicked."


furnaceface December 19 2015, 03:01:34 UTC
//And understandably so.// Jono's voice was gentle, understanding. //That's exactly the sort of crowd to run from. You did the right thing, luv. You kept alive.//

And now they were decidedly not. Funny how that worked.


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