Demon Marcus, Sunday

Sep 13, 2015 18:35

So... Sparkle had a place to stay now that wasn't Hannibal's spare room and didn't involve squatting in the back room of a place he still wasn't super certain he actually worked at yet. Which seemed like it was a step going in the right direction. Right? That was better than being a questionably homeless fugitive?

... Not that they knew he was a fugitive yet, back in Ontario. Hannibal was still acting as his surety, he was pretty sure, and time ticked by a little slower in his own reality for whatever reason, and...

Everything was sort of a mess.

A lot.

Sighing, Sparkle set about to going through the drawers by the cash register to see if there was any indication as to who the hell actually ran this place.

So far? Nobody. Ah, this island.

[OOC: Open, no OCD!]

sparkle, pixie dust, hanna heller

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