Sep 07, 2015 20:11
Evan... didn't want to go back.
He'd kind of forgotten just how easily this place could become home, and he'd known but he'd never fully realized just how much people hated... not just him, but everyone like him, back in his own world. He hadn't lasted long there before, when he'd been sent here to give him a chance to sort of breathe, and then he'd been called back, and...
He reached for a stick and threw it, and a dog and a small dinosaur both went racing off after it.
It wasn't just that he was hated, though. He was lonely. He missed his friends. He missed... he missed a lot of people.
Maybe if he just played here a little longer, and pretended as though everything was going to stay just like this forever, and ignored it, it would go away on its own.
"It's not, is it? Going to just fix itself?"
That was meant to be kind of rhetorical.
[OOC: Open! There are swings! Yay swings!]
leo beach,
evan sabahnur,
sholeh zeela a zhahar