Deep in the Preserve, Saturday Afternoon

Sep 05, 2015 15:56

Really, there were old habits that died hard whenever Reno made his way to the island. For example, for all he liked to pretend that he didn't give a shit about his abilities, that his speed and dexterity and fighting skills were all just natural to him, Reno had developed a habit, in his years around Fandom, of going out and training. A run around the island in no time at all, some crazy gymnastics through the trees. Practicing his form with his stun baton, which was doubly important these days, since he was pretty strictly rationing when he used his materia.

The stuff was a black market commodity these days for a reason.

So, there he was, deep in the woods, beating up on tree trunks. Because how else was he supposed to spend a reunion weekend afternoon, right?

[OOC: Open preserve! Of course!]

reno, ino yamanaka, preserve

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