Outside the Campus' North Gate, Wednesday Morning

Jan 21, 2015 13:26

She had heard the first shriek when she'd left the dorms complex for her morning jog. There had been dead eels on the lawn, but she had not paid it much heed.

Then there had been the second shriek, as she approached the gate. It had given her pause. What was out there that was, apparently, throwing fish at the school ( Read more... )

cassandra pentaghast, jalian d’arsennette y ken selvren, anders, streets

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spin_kick_snap January 21 2015, 21:20:18 UTC
Kathy had skipped out on the Banzai regalia today, since the invasion was limited to the island. And the last thing she wanted to do was get eel guts out of the white cotton (or whatever the fabric actually was) of her gi. But that was hardly going to stop her from fighting off screaming flying eels, ha! Even without her customary rainbows, she was still a colorful blur as she fought off the eels.

But as much fun as fighting off flying eels was solo (and yes, she was having fun, shh! Don't judge!), Kathy guessed it was going to be even more fun joining up with a group, so when she saw Cassandra and company coming, she called out to them. "Hello! 'Ware your left!"

If there's already a mage, a tank, and a rogue, does that make Kathy the Inquisitor?


seeks_truth January 21 2015, 21:35:13 UTC
Only if she got a glowy bit surgically implanted in her hand.

Cassandra looked briefly bewildered by the blur, but then chalked it up to a mage using Fade Step. Strange; Kathy had not seemed like one when they first met. She had more important things to do now, like turn around and cleave Left in two. "Got it!"


spin_kick_snap January 21 2015, 22:00:32 UTC
Sigh. Cassandra you killjoy

"Awesome!" Kathy darted away, using the nearest bit of wall to bounce up and get some air to fight off a small group of eels that were aiming directly towards them. She never stopped moving, a using a spin kick over here to drive one of the eels into the ground, then vaulting over to scissor kick another few on the other side.

They made a creepy snappy sound when she hit them. She was trying not to think about that.

Moments later she was landing back by Cassandra's side, unaware that she'd been classified a mage or what a 'Fade Step' was. "Nice swordwork."


seeks_truth January 22 2015, 08:58:17 UTC
"Thank you," Cassandra said dryly. What was this turning into, a mutual appreciation society rather than ensuring safe passage for those trying to get to the dorms?

She slammed a set of eels out of the air with her makeshift shield and then cut down, chopping their heads cleanly off. "Try not to move too erratically," she warned.


spin_kick_snap January 22 2015, 11:03:25 UTC
What, did Cassandra have trouble talking and killing at the same time? Pfft, she'd never make it in Kirkwall, where witty banter and murder went hand in hand, like Wicked Grace and cheap ale!

"I'll keep away from your sword," Kathy said, refraining from pointing out she was fast enough to get out of the way even if Cassandra deliberately slashed at her. "But I'm not really moving erratically. I can't defy physics or anything."

Yet. She was going to try, though!


hexentotchen January 22 2015, 00:59:40 UTC
Hanna had stopped to watch Kathy for a moment, and then carefully shot the one or two flying eels (very few!) that Kathy had missed. "This is the oddest thing I have seen yet."


spin_kick_snap January 22 2015, 01:04:38 UTC
Kathy spun around at the sound of gunshots, then flashed Hanna a smile. "That's how I know you're new," she teased. "Flying eels? Must be...what day is today?"


hexentotchen January 22 2015, 01:07:30 UTC
"Wednesday," Hanna said, giving her a tiny smile. Another shot, and a thoughtful look at the eel flopping at her feet. "Are they edible?"


spin_kick_snap January 22 2015, 02:49:00 UTC
"Flying eels, must be Wednesday," Kathy said. "And I don't know. They look like eels that are rigged up to be able to fly and breathe outside of the water, so...maybe? But I'd probably want to give one to Barry to test before I committed myself to eating one."


hexentotchen January 22 2015, 03:08:06 UTC
"Oh. Yes, that's probably a good idea." That was Kathy's science friend that she'd mentioned. "How many of these do you think he would want?"


spin_kick_snap January 22 2015, 03:24:46 UTC
"Probably not more than three or four?" Kathy hazarded. "He'll probably want to dissect one down to it's atoms or something...wait. Are you seriously considering bringing him some to test?"

Kathy hadn't quite realized that Hanna was seriously considering eating one.


hexentotchen January 22 2015, 03:26:52 UTC
Food is food, Kathy. Why would you waste it!

"Yes," Hanna said, giving her a puzzled look, and then added more practically, "If the remains will kill carrion-eaters, we should know about that before they beginning picking over the remains." She picked up one floppy dead one, and held it out. "This would be good in a stew, believe me."


spin_kick_snap January 22 2015, 04:24:28 UTC
"Hey, I'm Korean, I know all about how good eel is in stuff," Kathy assured her. "I mean, with enough of these guys, I could cook up a mean platter of jang uh gui. I'm just used to my meat being a little more..."

Killed and prepared in sterile facilities?

"...not trying to eat me first?"


hexentotchen January 22 2015, 04:36:01 UTC
"Ohhh." Hanna blinked at that, looking thoughtful. "Most of my food didn't notice I was trying to kill it until it was too late." She turned and shot an arrow through a cluster that had been getting closer and closer, the shrieking making her shudder. "The hardest part is cutting out the bits that are inedible. But that's less than you might think."


spin_kick_snap January 22 2015, 04:59:44 UTC
"And, see, my mom always said that one of the best things about moving to America was no longer having to deal with a mother-in-law who took it as a personal insult if you bought the meat pre-cleaned, rather than doing it yourself," Kathy said, watching the arrow fly true.

"...I can see why your prey might not have known you were around," she added, whistling.


hexentotchen January 22 2015, 05:07:28 UTC
Hanna gave a small smile of pride. She'd worked a long, long time to get this skilled. "Thank you. Papa never let us go hungry. But sometimes he would make me wait, or carry the carcass myself, if I had missed or needed a second shot." She looked sad for a moment, then strung another arrow. "At least, after I turned ten."


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